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Europe is changing – faced with financial crises, conflicts in its neighbourhood, war in Ukraine and power shifts on the international scene.

The EU is the dominant theme of NUPI’s research on Europe. Increased cooperation and the development of common institutions in Europe, EU foreign and defence policy, EU policy towards neighbouring states and adjacent regions, as well as the role of NATO in Europe are all important areas of study. Also central are questions of energy production in Europe and European energy security. Further priority areas for research at NUPI are the special position of Europe in Norwegian foreign policy, and the role of Europe in global geopolitics.
10:30 - 12:00
10:30 - 12:00
5. Feb 2020
10:30 - 12:00

The EU’s role in a more instable world – towards a shared Grand Strategy?

The opinions on which role the EU should play in international politics differ. How will 2020 turn out for the Union, and what role will it pursue in the future?


Etter brexit: Storbritannia, Europa - og Norge

Guest lecture for Arendal Senior University, about how brexit will influence Britain's international role, intra-European dynamics and Norwegian foreign policy.

  • Diplomacy
  • Europe
  • The Nordic countries
  • The EU
  • Diplomacy
  • Europe
  • The Nordic countries
  • The EU

Brexit, Europa - og Norge

Lecture on the Brexit-process, and implications for Europe and Norwegian foreign policy. Part of the Norwegian Atlantic Committee's annual course in International Politics, held in Norway's seven largest cities.

  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • The Nordic countries
  • International organizations
  • The EU
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • The Nordic countries
  • International organizations
  • The EU
Scientific article

Between vulnerability and risk? Mental health in UK counter-terrorism

The relationship between terrorism and mental health has been a scholarly concern for decades. So far, the literature has concentrated on the relationship between terrorism and diagnosable disorders, and the prevalence of certain psychological traits among terrorist offenders. Meanwhile, the incorporation of perspectives regarding mental health in the operational space of counter-terrorism has been largely ignored. This article explores three current approaches to individual mental health in UK counter-terrorism: the use of ‘appropriate adults’ in terrorism-related cases; the ‘mental health hubs’ introduced in 2016; and counter-terrorism-related risk and vulnerability assessments. The article argues that in light of the UK’s new counter-terrorism strategy, these practices show an increasing merger between conceptualisations of vulnerabilities and risks in how UK counter-terrorism approaches mental health.

  • Terrorism and extremism
  • Europe
  • Governance
  • Terrorism and extremism
  • Europe
  • Governance
Scientific article

Gender, Parenthood and Feelings of Safety in Greek Refugee Centres

Forced migration and displacement are often associated with increased exposure to various risks that negatively affect personal safety. While experiences of displaced populations are heterogeneous, women have been shown to be exposed to intersecting factors, such as vulnerability to gender-based violence, restricting cultural norms and discrimination. Being a mother—or at least responsible for the care of a child—while en route stands as another marginalizing factor. This article’s point of departure is the so-called European ‘refugee crisis’ that peaked in 2015 and examines the effects of gender and family on the experience of safety among refugees in six refugee centres in Greece. We explore how intersecting issues such as gender roles and being responsible for children impact individuals’ feelings of safety. Using descriptive statistics and regression analyses of survey data on 367 migrants in six Greek refugee centres, we find that female migrants are more likely to feel unsafe compared to males. However, our results indicate that gender differences in feelings of safety are minimal for those without children. While having children affects both genders’ feeling of safety, the effect is much greater for women than for men. Our conclusion is that dissimilar experiences of safety along gender dimension are conditioned by norms and obligations inscribed in social roles of parents and care-givers.

  • Europe
  • Humanitarian issues
  • Migration
  • Human rights
  • Europe
  • Humanitarian issues
  • Migration
  • Human rights

Drivers of violent extremism: NUPI to coordinate EU-funded project

PREVEX will shed light on how the various drivers of violent extremism operate.

  • Terrorism and extremism
  • Europe
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • Conflict
  • Fragile states
  • Insurgencies
  • The EU
  • Comparative methods
Bildet viser NUPI-forskerne som har fått innvilget H2020-prosjektet PREVEX fotografert utendørs
Scientific article

Drømmen om å gjenkristne Europa

The political leadership in Hungary, Poland and Russia talks of protecting Christians abroad - and about saving Europe from itself.

  • Europe
  • North America
  • Nationalism
  • Europe
  • North America
  • Nationalism
Scientific article

‘Practice time!’ Doxic futures in security and defence diplomacy after Brexit

Time constitutes social life and time management is central to the everyday conduct of international politics. For some reason, however, the practice turn in International Relations (IR) has produced knowledge about how past practices constitute international politics but not about how the future is also a constitutive feature in and on social life. Introducing a novel perspective on practice and temporality, the article argues that intersubjectively situated representations of the future by practitioners in international politics contribute substantially to our understanding of political processes and the making of international politics. To develop what appears a contradiction in terms – that ‘future-practices’ are driven by tacit know-how and conscious reflection simultaneously – the article develops the concept of doxic futures: representations of the future rooted in practical knowledge and tacit assumptions about the self-evident nature of the social world. The argument is illustrated with a case study of European security and defence diplomacy after the UK voted to leave the EU. Through the envisioning of two concrete doxic futures, a ‘Europe of buying together’ and the UK as a third country in EU defence, diplomats effectively tried to save European security and defence cooperation from the potentially disintegrating effects of Brexit.

  • Security policy
  • Regional integration
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • The EU
  • Security policy
  • Regional integration
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • The EU

Has the West forgotten about Chechnya?

PODCAST: Ramzan Kadyrov’s reign in Chechnya has cast a wave of fear and oppression across this Russian republic. What does that mean for the people living there, and for those who have fled the region in fear? And why don’t we talk more about this in the West?

  • Europe
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Conflict
  • Human rights
Scientific article

Is Skype a telecommunications company - and why does it matter?

Telecommunications constitute the core of the digital economy. EU regulation of the sector aims at promoting connectivity and access to very high capacity networks. To that end, and to keep up with technical developments, the regulatory framework is revised from time to time with a view to roll back regulation as competitive markets take hold. Whether or not an activity falls under the regulatory framework for telecommunications, which is the main category under electronic communications services, makes a huge difference as the recent ECJ decision on Skype illustrates.

  • Europe
  • The EU
  • Europe
  • The EU
291 - 300 of 712 items