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Europe is changing – faced with financial crises, conflicts in its neighbourhood, war in Ukraine and power shifts on the international scene.

The EU is the dominant theme of NUPI’s research on Europe. Increased cooperation and the development of common institutions in Europe, EU foreign and defence policy, EU policy towards neighbouring states and adjacent regions, as well as the role of NATO in Europe are all important areas of study. Also central are questions of energy production in Europe and European energy security. Further priority areas for research at NUPI are the special position of Europe in Norwegian foreign policy, and the role of Europe in global geopolitics.

Reduced influence in the Arctic?

In the Arctic Council, eight states work on, among several other pressing issues, the alarming impacts of global climate change. But who gets a say? Research Professor Elana Wilson Rowe investigates this in a new article.
  • Diplomacy
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • North America
  • The Arctic
  • The Nordic countries
  • Climate
  • Oceans
  • Governance
11:00 - 12:30
C.J. Hambrosplass 2 D / Livestream to Facebook and Youtube
11:00 - 12:30
C.J. Hambrosplass 2 D / Livestream to Facebook and Youtube
11. Nov 2021
11:00 - 12:30
C.J. Hambrosplass 2 D / Livestream to Facebook and Youtube

Is America turning its back on Europe?

The close relations between North America and Europe faced some severe challenges during the Trump presidency.


Seven new research projects to NUPI

Exciting new research on topics ranging from energy and climate, cyber security and vulnerable states will be done by NUPI in the coming years. Seven new research projects have won funding from the Research Council of Norway. A total of 260 applications were funded, in fierce competition with over to thousand applicants.
  • Cyber
  • International economics
  • Europe
  • Fragile states
  • Climate
  • Energy

Britain’s Inward Facing Nuclear Politics

Boris Johnson’s government decided to increase its nuclear stockpile from 180 nuclear warheads to 260. Taking a closer look at this decision in new op-ed, NUPI’s senior researcher Paul Beaumont argues that to make Britain’s nuclear weapon policy make sense, you need to look inwards not outwards.

  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • Europe
Bildet viser Storbtiannias statsminister Boris Johnson i halvfigur som gestikulerer med hendene i været. I bakgrunnen fire menn i marineuniformer.
Scientific article

How states manage international censure: Norway's response to criticism of its Child Welfare Services

When states are criticised, they normally recognise, reject or counter the critique. Yet they could listen to and contain criticism without directly rejecting or recognising it. Using criticism of Norway’s Child Welfare Services as an example, Kristin Haugevik and Cecilie Basberg Neumann show that diplomatic containment can prevent conflict accelerating and then damaging bilateral relations

  • Diplomacy
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • The Nordic countries
  • Diplomacy
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • The Nordic countries
Patryk Kugiel, Viljar Haavik, Morten Bøås

Much Ado About Very Little? Migration-Linked Development Assistance — the Cases of Poland and Norway

In response to the migration management crisis that peaked in Europe in 2015-2016, the EU institutions and some European states promised to address the “root causes of migration”, with development assistance seen as an important tool in that respect. By comparing the development cooperation policies of Poland and Norway, this paper shows how the development-migration nexus has been implemented in practice by new and traditional donors alike. Despite important differences at the rhetorical level, neither state has substantially changed their development cooperation to link it directly to migration interests. This demonstrates the limited usefulness of the “root causes of migration” approach.

  • Security policy
  • Development policy
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • Africa
  • Humanitarian issues
  • Migration
  • Theory and method
  • Security policy
  • Development policy
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • Africa
  • Humanitarian issues
  • Migration
  • Theory and method

The Future of Africa-UK Relations Post-Brexit

The United Kingdom has left the European Union as part of a momentous effort to redefine the UK's role in the world - with tremendous consequences for its global partners, including many of the countries in Africa. How do African countries view their relationship with the UK? What will be the future of Africa-UK relations after Brexit?

  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • Africa
  • The EU
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • Africa
  • The EU

Globale Storbritannia? Britisk utenrikspolitikk etter brexit

Lecture about Brexit and the implications for British, European and Norwegian foreign policy.

  • Diplomacy
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • The EU
  • Diplomacy
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • The EU
Gabriella Kristine Kattil Bolstad

Gabriella Kristine Kattil Bolstad

Former employee

Gabriella Kristine Bolstad was a Junior Research Fellow in NUPI’s Research Group on Security and Defence. Additionally, Bolstad worked in the Cons...

  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • Terrorism and extremism
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • Asia
  • Conflict
  • The EU
  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • Terrorism and extremism
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • Asia
  • Conflict
  • The EU
16:00 - 17:30
Microsoft Teams
16:00 - 17:30
Microsoft Teams
4. May 2021
16:00 - 17:30
Microsoft Teams

How has the EU responded to the Covid-19 crisis?

Covid-19 came on top of a number of other crises facing the European Union in recent years, and has put EU under unprecedented stress. In this webinar, we will take a closer look at EU’s response to crises, focusing on its response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

201 - 210 of 712 items