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PODCAST: How ad hoc coalitions deinstitutionalize international institutions

A new episode of NUPI's podcast The World Stage investigates the consequences ad hoc coalitions bring, and how they can be captured an explored.
Foto: NTB


Malte Brosig
Department of International Relations, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
John Karlsrud
Research Professor
Ole Jacob Sending
Research Professor, Head of Center for Geopolitics

As ad hoc coalitions (AHCs) proliferate, particularly on the African continent, two questions crystallize. First, what consequences do they bring about for the existing institutional security landscape? And second, how can the trend of AHCs operating alongside, instead of inside, international organizations be captured and explored conceptually?

To answer these questions, Malte Brosig and John Karlsrud have in a new article in International Affairs examined the Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) fighting Boko Haram and its changing relationship to the African Union. Through a case-study and a review of policy and academic literature, the article launches the concept of deinstitutionalization and how it can be characterized.

In sum, the authors unwraps the processes of deinstitutionalization and identifies three forms of rationales for this process – lack of problem-solving capacity, limited adaptability and path dependency. 

In this episode of the NUPI podcast The World Stage, NUPI Research Professor Ole Jacob Sending sits down with the two authors to dig into their article and findings.

You can listen to the episode here:

Or you can watch it on YouTube here:


  • Africa
  • Governance
  • International organizations
  • United Nations
  • AU


Malte Brosig
Department of International Relations, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
John Karlsrud
Research Professor
Ole Jacob Sending
Research Professor, Head of Center for Geopolitics
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Research project