How ad hoc coalitions deinstitutionalize international institutions
As ad hoc coalitions (AHCs) proliferate, particularly on the African continent, two questions crystallize. First, what consequences do they bring...
Går verden slik vi kjenner den i oppløsning?
De fleste av oss har vokst opp med tanken om at verden blir bedre og bedre, det blir mindre fattigdom og krig og demokratiet sprer seg. Men nå er...
Kan Israel bli dømt for å sulte ihjel et helt folk?
Halvparten av befolkningen på Gazastripen sulter. Israel sier de forsvarer seg selv etter terrorangrepet 7. oktober, mens andre mener de bevisst p...
Building peace through a sustainable environment
Why should we connect the environment to issues of peace and conflict? And in a world of dramatically increased geopolitical tensions, is it possi...
Options for Arctic governance in difficult weather
The Arctic continues to be transformed and impacted by global forces, from declining sea ice on the Arctic Ocean, through new summers of devastati...
The Past, Present and Future of Peacekeeping
What can we say about UN Peacekeeping after 75 years of operations? In this episode of the NUPI podcast The World Stage, experts give their take o...
How to Become a Hegemon
In this episode NUPI's Ole Jacob Sending sits down with Professor Dan Nexon of Georgetown University to talk about how international political lea...
AI, God and Ethics
In this episode of The World Stage, we meet Dr. Paolo Benanti. Benanti, who is known for coining the term algorethics, is a professor in ethics of...
Europa ruster opp
"Vi lever i et tidsskille", sa Tysklands forbundskansler Olaf Scholz da han annonserte at Tyskland skulle ruste opp sitt forsvar med 100 milliarde...
Guardians of the Algorithm: Why AI Needs Global Oversight
In this episode of The World Stage, join us for an insightful conversation with AI expert Dr. Rumman Chowdhury, recently recognized on The Times l...