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AI, God and Ethics


In this episode of The World Stage, we meet Dr. Paolo Benanti. Benanti, who is known for coining the term algorethics, is a professor in ethics of technology and a Franciscan monk. He is a member of UN Secretary General's High-level Advisory Board on Artificial Intelligence and also serves as an AI advisor to none other than Pope Francis.


Joins us for an insightful conversation between Benanti and Dr. Niels Nagelhus Schia, head of NUPI’s Research Center on New Technology.


Why do we need ethics in the development of AI-technology? Is AI a sort of God? And what did the pope feel about the AI generated image of him in a white puffer coat?


  • Security policy
  • Cyber
  • Intelligence


Paolo Benanti
Third Order Regular Franciscan and Extraordinary Professor at the Pontifical Gregorian University