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Feeding India: Poverty, prices and value chains

With India’s massive poverty, food issues rank high on the policy agenda, including food consumption and food prices, and the income and power distribution along the food value chains. In recent work, NUPI researchers and partners have shed new light on key issues in the field.
20 August 2018
10:00 Europe/Oslo
Language: English


  • Economic growth
  • Trade
  • Asia
  • Climate
  • English

At this seminar, findings from the research project Food Security in India: The Interactions of Climate Change, Economics, Politics and Trade (FOODSEC) will be presented, together with an India-related study from the project Traders in the food value chain.

In the latter project, Meenakshi Rajeev has studied the transition of the Indian fisheries sector with trade, distribution channels and value chains in rapid transformation, and with considerable impact on producers, workers and consumers.

From the FOODSEC project, Arne Dulsrud and Unni Kjærnes will present evidence on the determinants of food consumption in India, based on new survey data from rural villages and urban slums.

Arne Melchior will present new empirical evidence on the large food price dispersion across Indian states, and the determinants of these price differences.

Addressing climate change, Fenella Carpena will present findings from an econometric study that shows how droughts have a negative impact on the quantity as well as the quality of food consumption in rural India, and the main driver for this is income change rather than food availability as such.

The event will be live streamed on NUPI's YouTube channel:






Value chains in India’s fisheries sector,Meenakshi Rajeev (Institute for Social and Economic Change – ISEC)


Food price differences across Indian states. Arne Melchior (NUPI)


Short lunch break


Food consumption and poverty: Evidence from Bihar and Karnataka. Arne Dulsrud and Unni Kjærnes (OsloMet/SIFO)


Droughts, household food consumption and nutritional intake: A study of rural India, Fenella Carpena (OsloMet/formerly NUPI)




Arne Melchior
Senior Research Fellow
Meenakshi Rajeev
Professor, Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC)
Arne Dulsrud
Head of Research, SIFO, OsloMet
Unni Kjærnes
Researcher, SIFO, OsloMet
Fenella Carpena
Associate Professor, OsloMet

Related publications


Food Price Differences Across Indian States: Patterns and Determinants

The paper examines food price differences across Indian states during 2004-2014 using food consumer prices from household surveys and wholesale/retail prices for selected goods. At the individual product level there are large price differences across states, with prices doubling or trebling across India for a typical case, but with considerable variation across products. Price dispersion is still high but considerably lower for food on average; measured at this level price dispersion between Indian states is considerably lower than between countries within the same income range, and Indian states are slightly more integrated than countries in Western Europe. At the product level, the most important determinants of price differences across states are limited access to supply from other states, and the extent of own production in the state. Richer states have higher consumer prices, but this income-price link is weaker for wholesale prices. Food price dispersion within India has decreased during the period studied. For policy, the results suggest that India should eliminate obstacles to inter-state trade in order to promote food security and the real income of its citizens. The magnitude and importance of price level differences also suggest that better price level data should be provided in the future, to facilitate further study of India’s regional development.

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20 August 2018
10:00 Europe/Oslo
Language: English


  • Economic growth
  • Trade
  • Asia
  • Climate
  • English