TTIP: Consequences and implications for Norway
TTIP is a comprehensive trade and investment agreement between the EU and the USA. The negotiations are still ongoing, and many challenges still lie ahead. If they succeed, Norway must choose between joining or not.
In February, a consortium led by NUPI was tasked by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries to examine TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) and its consequences for Norway, as well as consequences of different policy options for Norway. Other participants are IFO Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO), Menon and researchers at the Faculty of Law, University of Oslo.
The project is funded by the Ministry of Industry and Fisheries, and on 2 November the study will be presented to the Minister.
9.30-10: Registration and tea/coffee.
10.00-11.15: Session in Norwegian where the study is submitted to Minister of Trade and Industry Monica Mæland. Moderator: Ulf Sverdrup.
- Introduction by Project Manager Arne Melchior, NUPI
- Comments by Minister of Trade and Industry, Monica Mæland
- Q&A
11.15-11.45 Break with a bite.
11.45-13.30: Seminar in English where the results of the study are presented in greater detail.
- Gabriel Felbermayr: TTIP and Norway – results from a world trade model.
- Klaus Mittenzwei, NIBIO: TTIP and the food sector.
- Leo Andreas Grünfeld, Menon: TTIP and trade in services
- Ivar Alvik, Tarjei Bekkedal and Christophe Hillion: Investor-state Dispute Settlement and legal dimensions of TTIP.
- Arne Melchior: Trade policy options and overall implications for Norway.
The event will be streamed on Youtube: