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The relationship between the Nordic countries and China: What can we learn from our neighbors?

The launching of "Internasjonal Politikk" no. 3, focuses on the relationship between the Nordic countries and China.
19 September 2016
13:30 Europe/Oslo
Language: English


  • Diplomacy
  • Asia
  • English

China pursues Santa Claus tourism in Finland, gives pandas to Denmark, has signed a historic free trade agreement with Iceland,  as well as presented Norway with a long-lasting diplomatic headache, while the Chinese are buying up Volvo and stuffing themselves with Swedish meatballs in IKEA stores. New and significant chain-reactions in international politics have been created by the new role of the People's Republic of China, so also in the Nordic countries in the last decades.

Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden share a number of political, economic and cultural features. They also share common interests and similar challenges in relation to the growing superpower in the east. Thus, in all the Nordic countries, it has been discussed how to make the most of the opportunities that China's growth provides, and how to tackle colliding economic interests and undemocratic political values. The debate has varied in intensity and focus, but has been centered on the same issues. Nevertheless, so far there has been given surprisingly little attention on how one's Nordic neighbors have handled the challenges.

In this seminar, we look across fences.  Prominent China experts from the various Nordic countries comment on their country's relationship with China, trends and challenges, and how this relates to the broader picture of Nordic–China relationships.


• Introduction of IP no. 3: Kristin M. Haugevik and Julie Wilhelmsen
• Introduction of the Focus column The Nordic China: Bjørnar Sverdrup Thygesson

Presentation of the different Nordic countries’ relationship with China.

• Denmark-China: Andreas Bøje Forsby
• Norway-China: Bjørnar Sverdrup Thygeson
• Island-China: Marc Lanteigne
• Finland-China: Jyrki Kallio

Comments from Jo Inge Bekkevold and panel discussion

Q & A

Follow the seminar directly on YouTube

Main speakers

Kristin Haugevik
Research Director, Research Professor
Julie Wilhelmsen
Research Professor, Head of the Research group for Russia, Asia and International Trade
Bjørnar Sverdrup-Thygeson
Former employee
Jyrki Kallio
Senior researcher, Finnish institute of foreign affairs
Andreas Bøje Forsby
Researcher, Foreign Policy and Diplomacy, DIIS
Marc Lanteigne
Former employee
Jo Inge Bekkevold
Senior advisor, Institute for defence studies
19 September 2016
13:30 Europe/Oslo
Language: English


  • Diplomacy
  • Asia
  • English