Hvorfor avholde valg i autoritære stater?
The magazine Nordisk Østforum is celebrating their recent release with a new design. Welcome to the debate.
What is the point of having an election when the result is already decided? And why does the opposition bother to run? These kinds of questions are relevant to a lot of countries today, among them Azerbaijan, Russia and Kazakhstan, where president Nazarbayev was reelected with 97,7% of the votes in April.
Based on Sofie Bedford's new article "Val för att bevara status quo: elektoral autokrati och stabilitet i Azerbajdzjan"(Election to preserve status quo: Electoral autocracy and stability in Azerbaijan) we would like to discuss elections in authoritative states and the dynamics that emerge between government and opposition in this kind of political context.
Sofie Bedford (University of Uppsala)
Geir Flikke (University of Oslo)
Håvard Mokleiv Nygård (Peace Research Institute Oslo, PRIO)
Organizers: Nordisk Østforum, Tidsskriftsforeningen, Universitetsforlaget and Norwegian Institute of International Affairs
Nedjma, Litteraturhuset, Wergelandsveien 29
Program 19 - 20.30:
Panel debate and questions from the audience