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Morten Skumsrud Andersen

Senior Research Fellow, Head of the Research Group on Global Order and Diplomacy

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Morten S. Andersen is a Senior Research Fellow and Head of the Research group on Global order and Diplomacy. In addition to a focus on theoretical and methodological aspects of International Relations, his research concerns how relations of power and dominance between states have evolved and been legitimated over time. In this, he focuses particularly on hierarchy and empires and on international conceptual history.

Andersen is currently taking part in the project A Conceptual History of International Relations (CHOIR). He is also applying these research topics to an analysis of Colombian foreign policy and global order for the projects Undermining Hegemony and Evaluating Power Political Repertoires (EPOS), and to foreign acquisitions and investments for the project Consequences of Investments for National Security (COINS).

In 2016, Andersen earned his PhD in International Relations from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). The dissertation is entitled “A Genealogy of the Balance of Power” and is a history of how this concept starts off as a way of preserving a supposed European commonwealth, but then becomes a notion that makes possible the denial of the existence of any such thing as “international society” in favour of a state-centric vision of international affairs. He here shows how that confusing origin and subsequent history defines the parameters of contemporary debates about “the balance of power” in International Relations.


  • International investments
  • Diplomacy
  • Foreign policy
  • Governance
  • Historical IR


2016 PhD, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Title of PhD thesis: A genealogy of the balance of power.

2008 MSc International Relations; London School of Economics

2006 Bachelor in international politics, University of Oslo/Universidad Externado de Colombia

2003 Latin American studies, Universidad de Costa Rica

Work Experience

2022- Head of the Research Group on Global Order and Diplomacy, NUPI

2008- Research fellow/Doctotal Research Fellow/Senior Research Fellow, NUPI


Scientific article


Scientific article


Scientific article


Scientific article

Practices as Models: A Methodology with an Illustration Concerning Wampum Diplomacy

The everyday meaning of ‘practice’ is something like concrete ‘doings’ or ‘what is being done’ in a social setting. Its everyday counter-concept is theory. Intuitively, this may lead us to think of practices as what is really going on in the world, as opposed to theories or models. This commonsensical meaning of practices reinforces the separation between theory and empirical reality. We argue that such an understanding has informed much of the ongoing ‘practice turn’ in International Relations. We also argue that this is not necessarily an efficient way of conceptualising ‘practices’, because practices might end up being too general a concept to be analytically useful. To counter this, we argue, one must be explicit about practices at the level of models, that is, in fictional representations of the world. This can help in studying them as endogenous phenomena, and not only as the practical counterpart of some other phenomena, or emanating from unspoken theoretical assumptions of, for example, conscious rule-following behaviour, interests, identities, structures and so on. As an illustration of what a model of practice might look like, we include a case study of Iroquois diplomacy as practice. Using a model, without relying on unstated assumptions exogenous to it, we represent this particular case through assuming that both the agents and their social environments emerge through practices.

  • Diplomacy
  • Diplomacy
Scientific article

Legitimacy in State-Building: A Review of the IR Literature

In this article, which focuses on different concepts of state-building and legitimacy as used in the mainstream International Relations (IR) literature, I suggest that recent debates may be categorized in a two-by-two matrix. The axes concern the choice between a normative or a sociological perspective on the one hand, and a focus on state institutions or on society on the other. The article identifies an empiricist-sociological approach. Still, the almost exclusive reliance on an ontology of entities and their attributes hampers foci on relations as constituting both “insides” and “outsides” in state-building, and on legitimacy as important in its own right as ongoing public contestations. In a concluding section, I explore the purchase of a relational sociology for future studies of legitimacy in state-building

  • Peace operations
  • Peace operations

Global Changes and Norwegian Foreign and Development Policy 2010–2020

  • Security policy
  • International economics
  • Development policy
  • Foreign policy
  • Climate
  • Security policy
  • International economics
  • Development policy
  • Foreign policy
  • Climate
  • United Nations
Scientific article

Liberia og fredsbygging: en institusjonell forskningsagenda

Artikkelen analyserer arbeidet til FNs fredsbyggingskommisjon gjennom Fredsbyggingsfondet i Liberia og illustrerer hvordan institusjonelle strukturer kan bestemme mye av innholdet i og implementeringen av fredsbygging

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