Mathilde Tomine Eriksdatter Giske
Contactinfo and files
Mathilde Tomine Eriksdatter Giske is a Junior Research Fellow in the Research group on Security on Defence, working on the «Re-Engaging with Neighbours in a State of War and Geopolitical Tensions»-project.
Mathilde is also a PhD candidate at the University of Oslo, working on EU external democracy promotion in the Balkans and Neighbourhood. She holds an MSc degree in political science and an MSc degree in hisory from the University of Agder.
She has previously worked at NUPI as a Junior Research Fellow on projects related to European security and foreign policy. She also worked as an advisor in the Research group on peace, conflict and development regarding Norway’s seat in the UN’s Security Council.
Ongoing Doctoral Research Fellow, University of Oslo
2018-2020 MSc in political science, University of Agder
2018-2020 MSc in history, University of Agder
Work Experience
2022 Doctoral Research Fellow, University of Oslo
2021-2022 External advisor to the MFA, NUPI
2020-2021 Junior Research Fellow, NUPI
Clear all filtersA new European security and defence architecture in the making: What does it look like and what are the implications for Norway? (EURODEFENCE)
This project will study the implications of the new European defence initiatives for Norway particularly, as an allied and closely associated non-member of the EU. Despite the incremental nature of th...
Research group for Security and Defence
Research group for Security and Defence
Mekanismer for screening av utenlandske investeringer. Oversikt over et utvalg land
Etter tusenårsskiftet har åpne økonomier i økende takt satt i gang prosesser for å vurdere risikoen av utenlandsinvesteringer. Bakgrunnen for dette er økende grad av investeringer fra mindre transparente økonomier, frykt for svekket konkurranse blant internasjonale aktører, samt teknologiske endringer som kan gjøre stater mer utsatte. Dette har blant annet fått EU til å vedta en regulering som etablerer et rammeverk for screeningmekanismer (Regulation (EU) 2019/452). Utviklingen de seneste årene - og særlig i løpet av COVID-19 pandemien - er at slike mekanismer ekspanderer, blir mer detaljerte og permanente, og omfatter større deler av økonomien, med lavere terskelkriterier og dermed et økende antall transaksjoner som screenes.
Resilience in the age of crises
This research paper examines the concept 'resilience' as a response to the constantly changing environments and turbulence of the world. While resilience is used by several international organisations and nation states, there is still a lack of consensus regarding what the concept really means – it denotes both resisting change and being willing to adapt at the same time. This paper offers some clarity and argues that a temporal dimension is needed when applying the concept of resilience.
Norway’s security framework in a new era
This project is going to look closer at Norway’s closest allies and partners in a new and more uncertain world....