Kristian Lundby Gjerde
Contactinfo and files
Kristian Lundby Gjerde is a Senior Research Fellow in the Research Group on Russia, Asia and international trade, specializing in post-Soviet, in particular Russian, politics. He has studied international relations in Russia and holds a Master degree in Russian studies from St Antony’s College, Oxford, and a PhD in political science from the University of Oslo.
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2023 PhD in political science, University of Oslo
2011 Master of Philosophy in Russian and East European Studies, University of Oxford, St Antony’s College
Work Experience
2012- Junior Research Fellow/Research Fellow/Senior Research Fellow, NUPI
2012 Executive Officer, the Norwegian embassy in Baku
2011 Intern, the Norwegian embassy in Baku
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Nordisk Østforum inviterer til lanseringsseminar med paneldebatt på Litteraturhuset 7. mai klokken 19.00–20.30.
Cooperation between NUPI and the Moscow School of Civic Education (MSCE)
The Russo–Ukraine crisis and the role of the EU: implications for Norway
The Ukrainian crisis has become the most pressing security-policy issue in Europe....
Beyond the crisis in Ukraine. Russian and EU perceptions of European security and potential implications for Europe and Norway
Beyond the crisis in Ukraine. Russian and EU perceptions of European security and the potential for rapprochement.