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Kristian Lefdal

Junior Research Fellow

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Kristian Lefdal is a Junior Research Fellow in the Research group on Peace, Conflict, and Development (PCAD). In 2024 he completed his Master’s degree in Peace and Conflict Studies (M.Phil) at the University of Oslo. His thesis, Unpacking the Contemporary Coup Wave in the Sahel: A Case Study of Coups d’état in Mali & Niger 2020-2023, investigated the military coup wave phenomenon in the Sahel and exposed several key factors that induced the coups in the two Francophone cases. Kristian suggests that the resurgence of unconstitutional incumbent ouster in the Sahel demands to be comprehended in their domestic political contexts in order to grasp why putschists prove to succeed their coup attempts – contrasted to preceding trends.

His research interests cover a wide range of topics, including West African politics, geopolitics, Russia-Africa relations, state-building, colonial history, peace and reconciliation, political institutions, and political party systems.

Currently, Kristian is engaged in the project Re-Engaging with Neighbours in a State of War and Geopolitical Tensions, and works with Sahelian-related topics.


  • Africa
  • Peace operations
  • Conflict
  • Fragile states
  • Nation-building
  • Nationalism
  • Insurgencies
  • International organizations
  • AU


2022-2024 Master (M.Phil) in Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Oslo

2019-2022 Bachelor’s in political science, University of Agder

Work Experience

2024- Junior Research Fellow, NUPI

2023-2024 Research Assistant, University of Oslo

2023 Intern, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)


Research Project
2024 - 2026 (Ongoing)

Re-Engaging with Neighbours in a State of War and Geopolitical Tensions (RE-ENGAGE)

RE-ENGAGE’s overarching ambition is to assist the EU in refining its foreign policy toolbox, including its enlargement and neighbourhood policies. This will enhance the Union’s geopolitical leverage a...

  • Security policy
  • Regional integration
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • Nation-building
  • Governance
  • International organizations
  • The EU
  • Comparative methods
  • Security policy
  • Regional integration
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • Nation-building
  • Governance
  • International organizations
  • The EU
  • Comparative methods

Research group for Peace, Conflict and Development

What can we do to prevent war? How can countries emerging from conflict avoid relapse? How well do international peace operations actually work?
  • Foreign policy
  • Peace operations
  • Conflict
  • Nation-building
Fred konflikt og utvikling forsidebilde.jpg

Research group for Peace, Conflict and Development

What can we do to prevent war? How can countries emerging from conflict avoid relapse? How well do international peace operations actually work?
  • Foreign policy
  • Peace operations
  • Conflict
  • Nation-building
Fred konflikt og utvikling forsidebilde.jpg