Karsten Friis
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Dr. Karsten Friis is a Research Professor in NUPIs Research group on security and defence.
His research area is security and defense policies in Europe, with an emphasis on NATO, the Nordic region, the Arctic, transatlantic relations, intelligence, cyber security and the Western Balkans. He has published and led several major projects on these topics. Friis is also a frequently used commentator in the public discourse - not least in relation to Russia’s war against Ukraine.
Friis is a political scientist with a PhD from the University of Groningen, a Cand. Polit from the University of Oslo and an MSc from the London School of Economics. Friis has been associated with NUPI since 2007. Before that, he was a political adviser to the OSCE Mission to Serbia (2004 to 2007), the OSCE in Montenegro (2001) and in Kosovo (1999). Friis was also part of the EU's negotiating team for the referendum on independence in Montenegro in 2006. In addition, Friis has worked for several years in the Norwegian Armed Forces and served at NATO/KFOR in Kosovo.
2018 PhD, University of Groningen
1998 Cand Polit, Political Science, University of Oslo
1995 Master, International Relations, London School of Economics
Work Experience
2007- Senior Research Fellow/Senior Advisor/Advisor, NUPI
2004-2007 Political advisor for OSCE, Serbia/Montenegro
2001-2004 Advisor, the Norwegian Armed Forces
2000-2001 Political advisor, OSCE, Montenegro
1999-2000 Analyst/E-off, NATO/KFOR HQ, Kosovo
1999 OSCE Kosovo Verification Mission
Clear all filtersHow the war in Ukraine has changed the security situation in the Black Sea and the High North
How has the Russian aggression against Ukraine launched in February 2022 changed perceptions of security in the Black Sea region and in the High North?
The Ukraine war and the NATO responses in the Baltic and the High North regions
24. mars møttes NATOs regjeringssjefer i Brussel. for å diskutere krigen i Ukraina. Seniorforsker Karsten Friis snakker i denne podkasten, som er spilt inn et par dager før møtet, med NATO-general General Jörg Vollmer (Commander of Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum) og generalløytnant Yngve Odlo (sjef for Forsvarets operative hovedkvarter) om utfordringene Russland representerer i Baltikum og Nordområdene, og hvordan NATO og Norge best kan svare.
Hva betyr EU for sikkerheten i Europa?
(This debate is in Norwegian): I forbindelse med Russlands invasjon av Ukraina, har EU fått betydelig anerkjennelse for sine omfattende og resolutte bidrag, ved siden av et NATO som hverken vil eller kan handle militært. Våpenhjelp, sanksjoner og flyktning-koordinering er bare tre stikkord. Thorbjørn Jagland mener at grunnlaget for fred i Europa i tiden som kommer langt på vei vil bli bestemt i relasjonene mellom EU og NATO, mens seniorforsker Karsten Friis ved NUPI sier at EU er på vei til å seile opp som et vel så viktig sikkerhetspolitisk fellesskap som NATO, gitt trusselbildet som hacking, oppkjøp, spionasje og teknologi. Ja, hva kommer EU til å bety for sikkerheten i Europa, sett i et utvidet sikkerhetsperspektiv? Og – hva vil det kunne bety for Norge?
The Military Power Seminar 2022 – Northern-Europe in a changing security landscape
What are the consequences of the changing security landscape for security in the north? At this year’s Military Power Seminar, we invite you to a debate on the important political issues related to security in Norway’s immediate neighbourhood.
Krig i en verden av fremmed intelligens
This chapter investigates a number of issues related to the ongoing debates around artificial intelligence and its impact on the future of geopolitics and warfare. Through insights from science and technology studies (STS), the chapter seeks to question common assumptions in political science about the relationship between technology, war and politics. It will be argued that political science's treatment of these as independent elements and the subsequent simplified notions of technological and socio-political change must be altered in favor of a more inclusive way of thinking about socio-technical practices. This will improve our understanding of the war-technology relationship while providing a more fertile ground for discussing changes in the wake of the development of artificial intelligence.
NUPI seminar about NATO and nordic security
Vi må ikke lure oss selv til å tro at konflikten med Russland kan løses
The conflict between Russian and the West is about autocracy versus democracy. This cannot be resolved by diplomacy
Vi må ikke lure oss selv til å tro at konflikten med Russland kan løses
The conflict between Russian and the West is about autocracy versus democracy. This cannot be resolved by diplomacy.
Er Russlands mobilisering et narrespill?
If Kremlin should attack Ukraine they are the only responsible party.
Nupi-forsker: – Mer enn 50 prosent sannsynlig at Russland angriper Ukraina
The chances of a Russian attack on Ukraine is above 50 percent