Helge Blakkisrud
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Helge Blakkisrud’s main research interests include Russian federalism and centre–region relations, in particular, the development of the institution of governors. Research interests also include Russia's High North/Arctic policy, nationality policy and Russian nationalism, as well as processes of state-building and nation-building in Eurasia, especially in Eurasian de facto states.
Blakkisrud is editor of Nordisk Østforum, a Nordic peer-reviewed journal for Russian and East European studies.
He has been a guest lecturer at the OSCE Academy, Bishkek, since 2008. In 2009–2010, he was a Fulbright Visiting Fellow at UC Berkeley.
1996- PhD-programme (Political Science), University of Oslo
1995 Cand.Polit. (Political Science) from University of Oslo. Dissertation: De russiske minoritetene i Estland og Latvia. Minoriteters responsstrategier ved endrede rammebetingelser
Work Experience
1995 Senior Research Fellow/Head of Research Group on Russia, Asia and International Trade, NUPI
2018- Part time position, Norwegian University Centre, St Petersburg
1995- OSCE Election Observer (various elections in Russia, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine and Bosnia-Herzegovina)
1994- Editor in Chief, Nordisk Østforum (Nordic Journal of East European and Post-Soviet Studies
1994 Member of the CSSE Mission in Latvia. Leader of the Mission's mobile team
Clear all filtersNUPIpodden#5: Putin for alltid?
18. mars går russerne til valglokalene for å stemme i det som kan omtales som et svært lite spennende valg om ny president. Vladimir Putin er alle...
NUPIpodden #20: Folkeavstemning om Putins fremtid
Russiske myndigheter gjennomfører en folkeavstemning om en lang rekke grunnlovsendringer, som kan åpne for at Vladimir Putin kan sitte som preside...
NUPIpodden #22: Hva skjer i Nagorno-Karabakh?
Selv om Nagorno-Karabakh ikke er en internasjonalt anerkjent stat, har denne enklaven både egen nasjonalsang, eget flagg og egen president. Den si...
NUPIpodden #24: Et styrt valg i Russland
Ikke overraskende kunne det regjerende partiet i Russland, Det forente Russland – også omtalt som Putins parti, erklære valgseier 20. september 20...
Putinism – Regime Ideology in Post-Soviet Russia
How can we understand post-Soviet ideological developments in the context of the Russian tradition of political philosophy?
Russia’s New State Ideology: Engineering Structures and Actors
How has war affected the Kremlin’s thinking around a new state ideology? In this seminar Professor Marlene Laruelle explores the Kremlin’s new mechanisms for indoctrination and the new names that have emerged as key actors working in the ideological production workshop.
COVspiracy? COVID-19 conspiracy theories in Putin’s Russia
For years the Kremlin has been promoting conspiracy theories to legitimize its actions. During the COVID-19 pandemic, however, the regime itself became the target of such theories.
PODCAST: Abkhazia between Russia and the outside world
How do contested states seek international recognition? The case of Abkhazia
Abkhazia’s contested status is a source of geopolitical conflict between states and alliances. But how has the campaign to expand this unrecognised state’s network of diplomatic contacts been conducted?
Georgia at a Crossroads: Is Tbilisi losing its strategic compass?
The Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 has changed the security of the Black Sea region forever.