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Benjamin de Carvalho

Research Professor

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Benjamin de Carvalho is a research professor at NUPI, working in the Research group on Global Order and Diplomacy (GOaD). His research interests have, broadly speaking, been between three areas: (i) historical international relations, (ii) UN peacekeeping, and (iii) status in international relations.

Within these fields, he has published on issues of broader historical change such as the formation of the nation-state in Europe, sovereignty, and the role played by confessionalization and religion. He has also been involved in a number of projects on UN peacekeeping, and has worked on the protection of civilians and sexual and gender-based violence in Liberia, Chad, and the Sudans. He is also involved in projects addressing status as a key driver of foreign policy, focusing on Norway and Brazil. Central issues here are the role played by small states in international politics, emerging powers and great power responsibility. Other research interests include hegemony, popular culture and international relations theory.

De Carvalho is currently involved in work of more historical character. He is currently the Principal Investigator of Empires, Privateering and the Sea (EMPRISE), a project funded by the Research Council of Norway addressing the importance of privateering for the formation of overseas empires in the Atlantic (1556-1856). He is also the main collaborator in Conceptual History of International Relations (CHOIR), led by Halvard Leira.

In addition, de Carvalho has played an important role in the institutionalization of Historical International Relations as a subfield of the discipline of International Relations. Together with Leira, he was instrumental in setting up the Historical International Relations Section of the ISA, of which he has served as section program chair (2015-2017) and section chair (2017-2019). Leira and de Carvalho are also co-editors of the four-volume set Historical International Relations.

He is formerly a co-editor of the leading Scandinavian-language International Relations-journal Internasjonal Politikk.

Benjamin is Editor in Chief of the journal Cooperation and Conflict, 2023-2027.


  • Globalisation
  • Diplomacy
  • Foreign policy
  • Peace operations
  • Humanitarian issues
  • Nation-building
  • Oceans
  • United Nations
  • Historical IR


2009 PhD in International Studies, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK

2001 MA, New School for Social Research, New York, USA

Work Experience

2006- PhD student/Senior Research Fellow/Research Professor, NUPI



Hva er Internasjonal Politikk

The term international politics is used both for events and processes in the world around us - and for the study of these. The subject covers obvious topics such as war, trade and diplomacy, but it also deals with more everyday phenomena such as tourism, immigration and how individuals are affected by globalization. This book presents the most important perspectives, theories and debates within the subject. It aims to make the reader more curious and better equipped to reflect on both contemporary and historical international political events.

  • Historical IR
  • Historical IR

Stubbornly Stumbling into Making History: Constructivism and Historical International Relations

The aim of this chapter is threefold; first we try to recollect through the hazy dim of personal history and histories how we eventually became the researchers we are today. Second, we focus on what to us at the time – and, to some extent, still – appeared as contingent, random and haphazard experiences so as to present a more coherent account, an account that we hope may be a useful tool – or at the least a good read – for younger scholars. In the process, we dwell on choices we have made with respect to how we have sought to approach the world; our approach and our sources. Third, we present an attempt at distilling what we see as the lessons that can be drawn from our work and trajectory, what we in hindsight may call “our approach”, in the hope that the reader will find some useful tools for her own research, or that we at the very least help open up a space for this type of reflection. We elaborate on what we perceive to be the benefits of our preferred approach, and how it may be useful for engaging with scholars beyond the confines of Constructivism.

  • Diplomacy and foreign policy
  • Foreign policy
  • Historical IR
  • Diplomacy and foreign policy
  • Foreign policy
  • Historical IR
15:15 - 16:45
15:15 - 16:45
2. Jun 2019
15:15 - 16:45

Theory seminar: Sonic IR

What role does sound have in the field of IR studies?

Research project
2019 - 2023 (Completed)

A Conceptual History of International Relations (CHOIR)

The purpose of CHOIR is to investigate taken-for-granted concepts of international relations....

  • Diplomacy
  • Foreign policy
  • Historical IR
  • Diplomacy
  • Foreign policy
  • Historical IR
Scientific article

Forum: In the beginning there was no word (For It): Terms, concepts, and early sovereignty

It is difficult to overstate the importance of the concept sovereignty for international relations (IR). And yet, understanding the historical emergence of sovereignty in international relations has long been curtailed by the all-encompassing myth of the Peace of Westphalia. While criticism of this myth has opened space for further historical inquiry in recent years, it has also raised important questions of historical interpretation and methodology relevant to IR, as applying our current conceptual framework to distant historical cases is far from unproblematic. Central among these questions is the when, what, and how of sovereignty: from when can we use “sovereignty” to analyze international politics and for which polities? Can sovereignty be used when the actors themselves did not have recourse to the terminology? And what about polities that do not have recourse to the term at all? What are the theoretical implications of applying the concept of sovereignty to early polities? From different theoretical and methodological perspectives, the contributions in this forum shed light on these questions of sovereignty and how to treat the concept analytically when applied to a period or place when/where the term did not exist as such. In doing so, this forum makes the case for a sensitivity to the historical dimension of our arguments about sovereignty—and, by extension, international relations past and present—as this holds the key to the types of claims we can make about the polities of the world and their relations.

  • Historical IR
  • Historical IR
15:15 - 17:00
15:15 - 17:00
24. Jan 2019
15:15 - 17:00

Theory Seminar: Political Memory and State Power – Holocaust Remembrance after Communism

Jelena Subotic will talk about her project that investigates the strength and limits of state power in regulating contested political memory.

Scientific article

The Emergence of Sovereignty in the Wake of the Reformations

The elusiveness of the emergence of sovereignty represents a challenge to IR, as it leaves us with many possible beginnings. And as any new beginning marks an end, settling the question of sovereignty begs the question of how the world was without it. Did sovereignty mark the end of an era that would make little sense to IR and its sovereignty prism? In the present contribution I will take issue with such clear delimitations and make the case for a broad understanding of change grounded in the practical challenges of international politics rather than canonical statements about them. My argument is rooted in a dissatisfaction with extant accounts seeking to redraw the temporal limits of international politics in the wake of the fall of the foundational myth of 1648 and the Peace of Westphalia

  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Governance
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Governance
Scientific article

Introduction: The Emergence of Sovereignty: More Than a Question of Time

It is difficult to overstate the importance of the concept sovereignty for international relations (IR). And yet, understanding the historical emergence of sovereignty in international relations has long been curtailed by the all-encompassing myth of the Peace of Westphalia. While criticism of this myth has opened space for further historical inquiry in recent years, it has also raised important questions of historical interpretation and methodology relevant to IR, as applying our current conceptual framework to distant historical cases is far from unproblematic. Central among these questions is the when, what, and how of sovereignty: from when can we use “sovereignty” to analyze international politics and for which polities? Can sovereignty be used when the actors themselves did not have recourse to the terminology? And what about polities that do not have recourse to the term at all? What are the theoretical implications of applying the concept of sovereignty to early polities? From different theoretical and methodological perspectives, the contributions in this forum shed light on these questions of sovereignty and how to treat the concept analytically when applied to a period or place when/where the term did not exist as such. In doing so, this forum makes the case for a sensitivity to the historical dimension of our arguments about sovereignty—and, by extension, international relations past and present—as this holds the key to the types of claims we can make about the polities of the world and their relations.

  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Governance
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Governance

Cromwellian Diplomacy

Cromwell's diplomatic efforts aimed at reorienting England towards an alliance with Protestant powers after the English Reformation of the 1530s and the subsequent break from Rome and the ensuing break from its traditional Catholic orientation in European affairs. Through a series of diplomatic negotiations (1534–40) with the German Schmalkaldic League, Cromwell's efforts culminated with the matrimonial alliance through Henry VIII's marriage to Anne of Cleves – which, eventually, also led to Cromwell's fall. Cromwell's main legacy was a dramatic strengthening of England's diplomatic apparatus, and to give the country's foreign policy a new orientation, the Protestant cause.

  • Diplomacy
  • Diplomacy

The family of nations. Kinship as an international ordering principle in the nineteenth century.

This chapter suggests that the phrase ‘the family of nations’ for a long time was more commonly deployed amongst international actors themselves to describe ‘the international’ than more common concepts in contemporary IR scholarship such as ‘international system’, ‘society’, and ‘community’. The authors argue that in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, the concept of a family of nations was integral to legitimizing strategies for coercive measures and colonial rule.

  • Diplomacy
  • Governance
  • International organizations
  • Historical IR
  • Diplomacy
  • Governance
  • International organizations
  • Historical IR
11 - 20 of 119 items