Hege Medin
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Hege Medin was a Senior Research Fellow at NUPI.
Clear all filtersNorge som mål for utenlandske investeringer: Trender og forklaringer
Utenlandske investeringer er en viktig del av økonomien i mange land. Det gjelder også Norge, hvor utenlandskontrollerte foretak sysselsetter 21 prosent av arbeidstakerne i privat næringsliv. Samtidig vet vi at strømmene av investeringer internasjonalt er i endring, med vekst i aktiviteten fra stater som tidligere har investert lite utenlands. Det gjelder spesielt Kina, men også India, Russland og noen andre ikke-tradisjonelle investorland. I denne artikkelen studerer vi hvordan Norges posisjon som destinasjon for investeringer endrer seg. Vi diskuterer utviklingen i lys av etablerte teorier innen samfunnsøkonomi og statsvitenskap.
Premien for utenlandske eierskap i Norge: Opprinnelseslandskarakteristika og Kina-effffekten.
Many studies from a number of different countries show that there is a premium for foreign ownership; Foreign-controlled enterprises (UKFs) are larger and more productive than domestic-controlled enterprises. In the article, I use register data to show that this also applies to Norway. UKF has particularly high values of a number of enterprise characteristics that are often associated with productivity, such as number of employees, turnover per employee, value creation per employee, salary and trade in goods and services per employee. Using regression analyzes, I estimate, for example, that UKF has more than 80 per cent more employees than domestically controlled companies and almost 40 per cent higher turnover per employee (after taking into account that UKF may be overrepresented in some industries and / or year). Among the enterprise characteristics that are studied, only research and development activity for which there is no UKF prize. Furthermore, I find that the characteristics of the country of origin of UKF affect the size of the prize. In general, the premium is higher the larger and more developed the country of origin is and the further away from Norway it is. For the number of employees, turnover per employee and retail trade per employee, there is also a separate China effect; The estimates show that Chinese UKF, compared to other UKFs, has almost 60 per cent more employees, more than twice as much turnover per employee and even greater exports and imports per employee.
Utenlandske direkteinvesteringer og eierskap i Norge
Foreign investment is an important component of the economy of many countries. This is the case for Norway too, where foreign-controlled enterprises employ 21 percent of the workers in the (private) business sectors. We know that foreign investment flows are changing, with increased activity from countries that have traditionally invested little abroad. This is true for China, especially, but also for India, Russia, and some other non-traditional investor countries. In this article, we study how Norway’s position as a destination for investment is changing. We discuss the developments in relation to established theories within economics and political science.
Hvem eier i Norge?
We have checked how good the overview of foreign ownership in Norway is. We found some shortages.
Why do firms import via merchants in entrepôt countries rather than directly from the source?
An increasing share of world trade happens indirectly via merchants in third countries, so-called entrepôts. This article uses an exhaustive and highly disaggregated dataset for Norwegian firms’ import transactions to study the motives for importing through such merchants rather than directly from the source country. I first show that transactions via entrepôts are much smaller than transactions from the source. I then study which factors are associated with the probability of importing indirectly. Source country characteristics – especially high trade barriers and unfavourable geographical locations – are important when time-invariant unobserved heterogeneity is not controlled for. When controlling for this, however, firm- and product-level characteristics stand out as the main drivers. Smaller and less productive firms more often import via entrepôts, especially when importing product-source combinations that are relatively unimportant in their total imports and when importing products with low price dispersion and high value-to-weight ratios. The results are in line with theories suggesting that merchants facilitate trade by offering reduced fixed trade costs for firms that trade through them. As such, they may help smaller and less productive firms to import.
Utenlandsk eierskap i eiendom i Norge: informasjonskilder og mulige oversikter
The report reviews central sources to information about foreign ownership in real estate in Norway. It describes possible steps for improving the overview of such ownership interests.
Veier til informasjon om utenlandsk eierskap i Norge: kilder og metoder
The report reviews central sources to information about foreign ownership in Norway, mainly ownership control and ownership shares in enterprises. The report also provides assessments of some international sources and information tools, and discusses possible steps for improving the overview of ownership interests in Norway.
Tale er gull
A large group of people are out of work because they can not type on a computer. This is completely unnecessary because technology exists for dictating text and controlling computers using voice, so-called speech recognition.
Avsporing fra Arbeidsdepartementet
The social benefit of developing speech recognition in Norwegian is obvious.
Hvem er gått ut på dato
Will the EU-US trade agreement lead to losses rather than economic gains? The basis for such claims is weak.