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Elin Maria Fiane

Head Librarian

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+(47) 416 74 200
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Elin Maria Fiane working on organizing and managing information; presentation and access to library resources. Literature research and procurement. Interlibrary lending (ILL).  CRIStin system; scientific publishing and open access.  
Administrator for CRIStin, BRAGE, and the Library catalogue(Tidemann).

Specialities: Knowledge management. Library science, collections management and organization (including archives). Information research systems, databases. CRIStin system, scientific publishing and Open Access. Reference and literature research.




NUPI’s library offers literature on norwegian and international foreign policy, diplomacy and international relations in general. The collection was started in 1961 and includes most of the literature on Norwegian foreign policy after the World War 2. The library is open to the public within office hours on weekdays. To register for library loans, you need an ID card with a portrait photo, and you can loan a book for 30 days. The library has two full-time librarians and a library assistant.


Scientific article

Open Access for bibliotekarer – nye utviklingsmuligheter for en gammel profesjon

(Norwegian only) Andrew Abbotts artikkel, "Professionalism and the future of librarianship (Abbott, 1998)", om utvikling av bibliotekarprofesjonen, tar for seg hva som fører til endring for bibliotekarprofesjonen. Det kan for eksempel handle om ny kunnskap som endrer måten å jobbe på, eller at andre profesjoner overtar deler av arbeidet, eller når økonomiske krav tvinger fram andre måter å organisere arbeidet på. Abbott skriver at det som sterkest påvirker utviklingen av bibliotekarprofesjonen er teknologisk utvikling. Et eksempel kan være hvordan man ved innføring av digitale samlinger i bibliotek gikk fra å eie fysiske samlinger til å betale for tilgang til elektroniske samlinger. Nå er en ny teknologisk utviklingstrend startet.


A perspective on domestic work based on interviews in Lima,Peru

This policy brief aims to spark reflection on the conditions of domestic workers, and the importance of independent institutions like trade unions for protecting their rights. Drawing on conversations with domestic workers in Lima, Peru, it shows how particularly those who live with their employees are often subjected to maltreatment. Trade unions perform essential services by informing domestic workers of their labour rights, empowering them to demand these from their employers, and providing legal aid. Parallels are drawn to the au pair programme in Norway. Despite a comprehensive legal framework, au pairs may face similar problems associated with living in the home of the employer, with the additional insecurity of working and living in an unfamiliar country. It is vital that independent organizations for the protection of the rights of au pairs in Norway can continue their work, to limit abusive labour conditions.

  • South and Central America
  • Human rights
  • South and Central America
  • Human rights

Sino-Russia Strategic Alignment and Potential Impact of a Trump Presidency

Rarely has any issue been more polarising than the assessment of Sino-Russia relations in recent years. Analysts and observers are either convinced of another emerging Sino-Russia alliance against the West, or dismissive of any meaningful, sustainable strategic relationship between the two while citing their ‘peril of proximity’, painful historical record and the strategic distrust. Neither description accurately reflects the nature of Sino-Russia relations under the Xi Jinping administration in China. In the past three years, China and Russia have forged new foundations for a third option- a strategic alignment primarily based upon a shared sense of vulnerability and threat perceptions regarding their external environment. This is largely the result of the heightened confrontation both China and Russia have encountered vis-à-vis the United States due to their assertive foreign policy in the Western Pacific and in East Europe, (especially in Ukraine), respectively. Furthermore, the personality and preferences of the Chinese top leader and the general public have also played an important role in constructing the strategic alignment as well.

  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Asia
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Asia

TTIP – regulatory cooperation on food and health issues

Scientific article

Åpen publisering + fagbibliotek = sant


European Integration Reset: Lessons from Brexit, Norway, and Eastern Europe

Given the severity and length of the Great Recession, whether or not Europe needs more or less integration is a much less consequential discussion than that Europe needs better and more effective integration. In this policy brief, we argue that taking stock of the integration experience may be the key to support the search for novel and more effective policy initiatives, resume growth and leave the current crisis behind. The brief presents three historical examples that illustrate the power deep integration has had in propelling the European project. The first demonstrates how deep integration contributed significantly to stop the relative economic decline of the United Kingdom (UK) vis-à-vis the EU founding members. We suggest EU membership played a greater role in this respect than Thatcher’s reforms. The second example displays how deep integration drove increases in labor productivity in Sweden, Austria and Finland (which gained unrestricted access to the Single Market by joining the European Economic Area, EEA, in 1994 and later the EU in 1995) compared to similar developments in Norway (which joined only the EEA in 1994). The third example draws from the experience of the Central European new member members to illustrate that a crucial (yet less appreciated than trade openness, foreign investment and migration) mechanism to these advancements has been the ability of deep integration to increase State capacity and hence to shore up positive institutional change.

  • Regional integration
  • Europe
  • The EU
  • Regional integration
  • Europe
  • The EU