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Teoriseminar: Statar og natur – effekten klimaendringar har på tryggleik

Under dette teoriseminaret skal Joshua Busby presentere hovudargumentet og det empiriske arbeidet frå sitt siste utkast til eit bokmanus.
25 september 2019
12:00 Europe/Oslo
Språk: Engelsk


  • Sikkerhetspolitikk
  • Klima
  • Engelsk

Teoriseminaret baserer seg på følgjande tekst:

“Over the past decade, a rich literature on the connections between climate change and security emerged, much of it quantitative on the links between climate change and violent internal conflict. In this book manuscript, Busby seeks to widen the aperture of security concerns to include major humanitarian emergencies. Through the study of paired cases, he explores why countries that face similar physical exposure to climate hazards experience different outcomes. His argument combines state capacity, the degree of political inclusion, and the role of international assistance to explain differences between countries as well as within countries over time. Countries with low state capacity, high political exclusion, and where assistance is denied or delivered in a one-sided mannar are expected to have the worst security outcomes in the wake of exposure to climate hazards. While assistance can sometimes compensate for weak state capacity, improvements in capacity and inclusion can diminish the risks of climate-related emergencies and conflict. In this talk, Busby will compare the experience of Bangladesh, India, and Myanmar to cyclones.”

Joshua Busby er førsteamanuensis på LBJ School of Public Affairs ved University of Texas-Austin. Han er også seniorforskar ved Center for Climate and Security. Han har vore ein del av to avdelingar for amerikanske forsvarsfinansierte forskingsprosjekt om klima og tryggleik, og arbeidet hans har blitt publisert i blant anna Foreign Affairs, World Development, Climatic Change, Political Geography, International Security, og Security Studies.


Joshua Busby
Førsteamanuensis, LBJ School of Public Affairs, University of Texas-Austin og seniorforsker, Center for Climate and Security
25 september 2019
12:00 Europe/Oslo
Språk: Engelsk


  • Sikkerhetspolitikk
  • Klima
  • Engelsk