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Naturen til revolusjonen – frå start til slutt

For å markere etableringa av Senter for historisk internasjonal politikk (CHIP), inviterer vi til foredrag med George Lawson som skal snakke om «Anatomies of Revolution».
03 november 2019
13:15 Europe/Oslo
Språk: Engelsk


  • Historisk IR
  • Engelsk

George Lawson har nyleg publisert ei framifrå oversikt over revolusjonar som har blitt beskrivne som den beste boka om revolusjonar i vårt tiår. Foredraget blir moderert av leiar for CHIP, Halvard Leira.

Lawsons bok har blitt beskriven som følgjande av Cambridge University Press:

Recent years have seen renewed interest in the study of revolution. Spurred by events like the 2011 uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East, the rise of Islamic State, and the emergence of populism, a new age of revolution has generated considerable interest. Yet, even as empirical studies of revolutions are thriving, there has been a stall in theories of revolution. Anatomies of Revolution offers a novel account of how revolutions begin, unfold and end. By combining insights from international relations, sociology, and global history, it outlines the benefits of a 'global historical sociology' of revolutionary change, one in which international processes take centre stage. Featuring a wide range of cases from across modern world history, this is a comprehensive account of one of the world's most important processes. It will interest students and scholars studying revolutions, political conflict and contentious politics in sociology, politics and international relations.


George Lawson
Førsteamanuensis, Department of International Relations, London School of Economics and Political Science
03 november 2019
13:15 Europe/Oslo
Språk: Engelsk


  • Historisk IR
  • Engelsk