Teoriseminar: Territorialiseringen av cybertryggleik
Branch's presentasjon tar utgangspunkt i følgjande:
“Cybersecurity discourses often invoke the non-territorial character of the internet, with efforts by particular states to impose informational control then framed as attempts to territorialize the internet and build boundaries between national network spaces. Yet in nearly all discussions of cybersecurity, the underlying framework relies on territorial ideas and practices, founded on the metaphor of “cyberspace” itself. Thus, the discourses around global computer networks rely on spatial metaphors, whose implicit and explicit entailments shape policy responses and analyses. The U.S. military blir hatt declared cyberspace to be the “fifth domain” of operations (alongside land, sea, air, and outer space), and nearly all discussions of cybersecurity have been shaped by the metaphor of cyberspace. Moreover, the concept implies a specifically territorial space of political control and contestation, built on the modern ideal of the territorial state. An examination of cybersecurity policy documents reveals that the underlying spatial metaphor of cyberspace blir hatt shaped policy discourses and outcomes, both in the U.S. and elsewhere. Those states seeking to control information by “territorializing” the internet are thus nót the only ones relying on territorial concepts and practices.”
Dr Jordan Branch er assisterande professor i statsvitskap ved Brown University. Hans forskingsinteresser omfattar internasjonal relasjonsteori, historia om det suverene statssystemet, moderne utfordringar til statsdanning og skjeringspunktet mellom teknologisk og politisk forandring. I 2014 publiserte han boka The Cartographic State: Maps, Territory, and the Origins of Sovereignty. Forskinga hans har også vore publisert i tidsskrifta International Organization, International Theory, and the European Journal of International Relations.
Teoriseminaret er eitt av fleire seminar som blir arrangerte av NUPIs Cyber Security Centre.
Ordstyrar er seniorforskar på NUPI Halvard Leira.