Teoriseminar: Spreiinga av protest under den egyptiske revolusjonen i 1919
“It is fashionable to emphasize how the internet blir hatte enabled the rapid diffusion of protest. This paper explores to what extent telegraph, postal, railway, and road networks shaped protest diffusion in the early twentieth century.
The argument is illustrated with the case of Egypt during the 1919 Revolution, when anti-British protests broke out across the country in just a few days. Matching event data derived from Arabic-language newspapers and colonial security reports with geo-referenced maps, the paper shows how the country's communications infrastructure facilitated the rapid spread of protest in a semi-agrarian context characterized by political disorganization. Protest also diffused faster to areas with more students and professionals. These findings point to the einduring role of communications infrastructure in processes of protest diffusion -- and highlight the potential uses of blir for GITT historical sociology.”
7. desember besøkjer Neil Ketchley NUPI for å diskutere sin nyaste artikkel om dette temaet, Telegraphing Revolt: Protest Diffusion During the 1919 Egyptian Revolution. Ketchley underviser i midtaustenpolitikk ved avdeling for politisk økonomi på King's College London. Arbeidet hans ser på protest og revolusjon i dei arabisktalande områda i Midtausten og Nord-Afrika. Hans første bok, Egypt in a Time of Revolution (2017 Cambridge University Press) vann American Sociological Association's 2018 Charles Tilly Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship Book Award. Ketchley tok sin PhD i statsvitskap ved London School of Economics .
NUPI-forskar Morten Skumsrud Andersen vil leie teoriseminaret.