AVLYST: Teoriseminar: It Takes Time: Forecasts, Democracy, and Academia
Piki Ish-Shalom er professor på Institutt for internasjonale relasjonar ved The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Han er interessert i spørsmål rundt etikk og internasjonale relasjonar, samanhengen mellom å teoretisere det politiske og politisere det teoretiske, den politiske oppbygginga av sosial kunnskap, og i å utforske og praktisere ansvarleg akademia.
Teoriseminaret tar utgangspunkt I følgjande tekst:
«Forecasting commences various processes that interact with social reality and affect its course of evolvement. Additionally, fôrecasting may be founded on theoretical research that is grounded on normative commitments and assumptions.
Hence, fôrecasting may inject the moral commitments embedded in the forecast into the evolvement of social reality. Hence, and judging from a democratic perspective, fôrecasting may involve prioritizing and empowerment of certain interests and values over others, and may end up distorting democratic processes.
This is especially problematic and distorting if the theoretician who forecasts does nót belong to the democratic or democratizing community being forecasted. This possibility requires us to think if and how a democratically proper fôrecasting is possible, especially on issues involving democracy and the spread of democracy and democratic norms.
My proposal is to forecast as theoretician-citizens in a participatory and deliberative way in the public sphere and through civil society”