Climate change and food security in India
On the occasion of the commencement of the project “Food Security in India: the Interactions of Climate Change, Economics, Politics and Trade”, the National Institute for Consumer Research and Norwegian Institute of International Affairs have the pleasure of inviting you to a half day seminar on climate change and food policy in India.
Climate change threatens the food production systems and livelihoods of a significant proportion of the population in India; indeed the Climate Change Vulnerability Index 2011 listed India as the second most vulnerable country in the world. Nearly two-thirds of Indians live in rural areas, and are dependent upon sectors that are sensitive to the environment – such as rain-fed agriculture. The potential effect on food security, where a number of Indian states already face shortages in production under current climatic conditions, could be further exacerbated by climate change, directly and indirectly.
This seminar addresses key issues on analysing food security and aims at a broad discussion on the interactions of climate change, economics, politics and trade, and its implications for food security in India.
Please register on the yellow sign up link below by 07.06.2013
Program 09.00 – 11.15:
- Welcome addressArne Dulsrud, Director,
National Institute for Consumer Research (SIFO) - How climate change is affecting Indian agricultureSiwa Msangi, Senior Research Fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
- Regional Development in India: Global vs. local trade integrationArne Melchior, Senior Research Fellow, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI)
- An institutional approach to food security problems in IndiaUnni Kjærnes, Senior Research Fellow
, National Institute for Consumer Research (SIFO) - Comments to the presentationsBipul Chatterjee, Deputy Executive Director, Consumer Unity and Trust Society (CUTS)
Photo: Seeveeaar