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NUPI skole

Diplomacy and foreign policy

What are the key questions related to diplomacy and foreign policy?
10:30 - 13:00
10:30 - 13:00
7. Sep 2017
10:30 - 13:00

China and the Nordics - Global Challenges in Chinese and Nordic Perspectives

Experts from leading think tanks visit NUPI to discuss the China-Nordic relationship in light of today's challenges.


The Challenges and Dynamics of Alliance Policies: Norway,NATO and the High North

The global system of alliances that the United States built after the Second World War underpinned the stability and prosperity of the postwar order. But during the 20th century, the multilateral NATO alliance system in Europe and the bilateral San Francisco alliance system in Asia rarely interacted. This changed in the early 21st century, as US allies came together to fight and stabilise conflicts in the Middle East and Central Asia. This volume presents the first-ever comparative study of US alliances in Europe and Asia from the perspectives of US allies: the challenges, opportunities and shifting dynamics of these fundamental pillars of order. This volume is essential reading for those interested in contemporary and future regional and global security dynamics.

  • NATO
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • International organizations
  • NATO
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • International organizations

Global tax justice at crossroads

In a world of Trump and Brexit – who makes international tax policy?  

  • Development policy
  • Regions
  • International organizations
  • The EU
  • United Nations

The Challenges and Dynamics of Alliance Policies: Norway,NATO and the High North

This chapter sets out to discuss two major framework conditions for Norwegian foreign, security and defence policy: North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the High North. Having to address increasingly heterogeneous security concerns and agendas, how do alliances shape their members’ foreign, security and defence policies? And how do the specific challenges related to the High North, such as Russia and other states’ policy agendas, form Norwegian responses and policies? In answering these questions, we aim to explore the framework conditions in a contemporary and historical context.

  • NATO
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • International organizations
  • NATO
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • International organizations
Scientific article

Norway and the European Economic Area: Good Deal or Just an EU Rule-Taker?

'After more than 20 years in the European Economic Area (EEA), it may look as if this remains the solution for Norway – part of the EU's single market but not an actual EU member state. There is no great political push to change Norway's status for now but there are still debates on the political, economic and institutional pluses and minuses of being on the margins of the EU not at its heart,' author Ole Gunnar Austvik writes in this op-ed.

  • Economic growth
  • Trade
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • The EU
  • Economic growth
  • Trade
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • The EU

G20s development is important for Norway

Today, the G20 summit is being held in Hamburg. The power of the G20 as an arena for shaping global governance represents both a challenge and an opportunity for Norway.

  • Global economy
  • Foreign policy
  • International organizations
Scientific article

Tøffe kår for samarbeid

I slutten av denne uka møter USAs president Donald Trump Russlands president Vladimir Putin for første gang. Møtet skal skje på sidelinjen av G20-møtet i Hamburg, hvor statsledere for verdens ledende økonomier skal diskutere blant annet klimaendringer, frihandel og kamp mot terrorisme. Både Trump og Putin ser på Syria, Nord-Korea, Iran og antiterror som felt for mulig konstruktivt samarbeid. Fra russisk side er det signalisert at de ønsker å snakke om Syria. Det hersker imidlertid stor usikkerhet i både Washington og Moskva rundt hva Trump vil velge å ta opp under møtet med Putin.

  • Security policy
  • Diplomacy
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • North America
  • Security policy
  • Diplomacy
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • North America

How does NATO shape the Norwegian policy?

This is what NUPI researchers Nina Græger and Wrenn Yennie Lindgren have taken a closer look at in the chapter ‘The Challenges and Dynamics of Alliance Policies: Norway, NATO and the High North’.

  • Security policy
  • NATO
  • Foreign policy
Scientific article

Fragile States as the New Development Agenda?

As Europe struggles with the repercussions of violent conflict in the Middle East, North Africa and the Sahel, including high numbers of refugees attempting to enter Europe, the issue of fragile states is pushed to the top of European policy agendas. There are calls to do more – military interventions in different forms, but also humanitarian and development assistance. European countries seek to refocus their development aid towards stabilisation efforts in fragile states that send refugees their way. This trend is unfolding all over Europe, including the Nordic countries. What then could be the basis for a new development agenda for fragile states. Senior Research Fellow Morten Bøås adresses this in new debate article.

  • Terrorism and extremism
  • Development policy
  • Foreign policy
  • Africa
  • Conflict
  • Terrorism and extremism
  • Development policy
  • Foreign policy
  • Africa
  • Conflict

Social Justice through Inclusion: The Consequences of Electoral Quotas in India

Across the world, governments design and implement policies with the explicit goal of promoting social justice. But can such institutions change entrenched social norms? And what effects should we expect from differently designed policies? Francesca R. Jensenius' Social Justice through Inclusion is an empirically rich study of one of the most extensive electoral quota systems in the world: the reserved seats for the Scheduled Castes (SCs, the former "untouchables") in India's legislative assemblies. Combining evidence from quantitative datasets from the period 1969-2012, archival work, and in-depth interviews with politicians, civil servants, and voters across India, the book explores the long-term effects of electoral quotas for the political elite and the general population. It shows that the quota system has played an important role in reducing caste-based discrimination, particularly at the elite level. Interestingly, this is not because the system has led to more group representation - SC politicians working specifically for SC interests - but because it has made possible the creation and empowerment of a new SC elite who have gradually become integrated into mainstream politics. This is a study of India, but the findings and discussions have broader implications. Policies such as quotas are usually supported with arguments about various assumed positive long-term consequences. The nuanced discussions in this book shed light on how electoral quotas for SCs have shaped the incentives for politicians, parties, and voters, and indicate the trade-offs inherent in how such policies of group inclusion are designed.

  • Development policy
  • Asia
  • Development policy
  • Asia
701 - 710 of 1163 items