Anni Roth Hjermann
Anni Roth Hjermann is a PhD fellow at the University of Cambridge, where she is working on a monograph provisionally entitled The global politics...
The Use and Impact of mis-and disinformation on United Nations Peacekeeping Operations
Climate, Peace and Security in Myanmar
Responskonferansen: Norsk utenrikspolitikk for en ny tid
Dette notatet er et sammendrag av Utenriksdepartementets Respons-konferanse som ble avholdt på Høgskolen i Innlandets campus på Lillehammer. Konferansen hadde et variert program som inneholdt åpningsinnlegg fra utenriksminister Anniken Huitfeldt, spørsmål til utenriksministeren fra Innlandets befolkning via en digital løsning, en lenestolsamtale og innlegg fra Knut Storberget (leder av Forsvarskommisjonen), Kristian Berg Harpviken (Forsker 1 ved PRIO), Gregory Ferguson-Cradler (førsteamanuensis ved Høgskolen i Innlandet) og Marianne Riddervold (professor ved Høgskolen i Innlandet).
Går verden slik vi kjenner den i oppløsning?
De fleste av oss har vokst opp med tanken om at verden blir bedre og bedre, det blir mindre fattigdom og krig og demokratiet sprer seg. Men nå er...
A Comparative Study Of Older One-Dimensional UN Peace Operations: Is the Future of UN Peacekeeping its Past?
Over the last few decades, the focus has been on the UN’s large multidimensional peacekeeping missions in Africa. However, half of the UN’s current peacekeeping missions are small observation-type operations that were first established during the Cold War in places like Cyprus, the Golan and Lebanon. This report asks if this type of smaller and less intrusive mission will become more prominent again as we enter a new period of great power rivalry and turbulence. These observation-type operations have been useful for preventing escalation by monitoring ceasefire lines or buffer-zones, but they are not suited for peacemaking and need to be complimented with envoys and diplomats that work to resolve the larger political issues along with members of the Security Council and host nations. The report recommends that peace operations (consisting of a variety of options for a diversity of needs and contexts) should be at the core of the “New Agenda for Peace”, envisaged by António Guterres to be presented at the General Assembly by September 2023. If a new era of great power rivalry requires the UN to once again adapt UN peacekeeping, then its experience through observation and monitoring operations, will provide it with a rich resource of options and models to choose from.