BRICS, Energy and the New World Order
While the BRICS share some characteristics, they differ in several respects. How far can cooperation between them go? Is their cooperation mainly symbolic, or can extensive coordination be achieved? The BRICS are large countries, but will they act individually or jointly? In this present report, the authors examine selected issues in order to find out whether the BRICS have the capacity to develop common policies and cooperation.
Capable Companies or changing markets? Explaining the export performance of firms in the defence industry
Belated Courtship? The Uneasy Partnership between Brazil and the EU
The EU accorded the status of “strategic partner” to Brazil in 2007. While the aim of this was to foster more effective cooperation with the Latin American giant, the record of the partnership is less than clear. While the strategic partnership was a clear acknowledgement of Brazil’s aspirations and status potential, it may have been sealed too late to have an impact on Brazil’s trajectory towards a more prominent global role and may mean too little for actually changing the course of EU–Brazil relations. For, viewed from Brasilia, the extent to which the special partnership has affected the relationship between the EU and Brazil remains an open question. Despite its new status as a strategic partner, Brazil’s foreign policy has been surfing on the waves of South–South cooperation schemes. So, while the EU remains a market for Brazilian exports which can-not be overlooked, Brazil’s search for new partners and China’s increased prominence in its trade balance have provided a new range of opportunities in foreign policy. As other states, including Norway, are now working out strategies to seal more formalized relationships with Brazil – and other emerging powers, for that matter – the strategic partnership between Brazil and the EU offers important lessons to take into account. While the strategic partnership was initially more valuable for Brazil, this did not last. Further-more, it was unclear what the new label entailed in practice, and how it was supposed to affect actual cooperation patterns.
Systems of Tax Evasion and Laundering (STEAL)
The project seeks to identify Global Wealth Chains that are the articulation of organized activities between individuals or international entities, developed countries, developing countries, and tax h...
Economic Reform in Cuba, Phase 4
The aim of the project is to contribute to fostering debate and knowledge about institutional and economic reform in Cuba in light of experiences from other countries....
Non-tariff barriers, food safety and international food trade (NTB)
This project aims to provide new evidence on non-tariff barriers to trade in the Russian, Chinese, Ukrainian and other markets, and examine their cost and impact on trade. ...
Poverty, prices and international inequality
The project studies the methods used for measuring poverty and comparing real income in various countries, particularly methods that are used to adjust for differing price levels....