Security and Stability: Reflections on the Impact of South Sudan on Regional Political Dynamics
Capable Companies or changing markets? Explaining the export performance of firms in the defence industry
Operational Mentoring and Liaison Teams (OMLT): The Norwegian Army and their Afghan partners
UN local peacebuilding and transition in Haiti: Contextualizing early peacebuilding activities to local circumstances. Haiti case-study field report
Moving towards local-level peacebuilding? Contextualizing early peacebuilding activities to local circumstances. South Sudan case-study field report
Unpacking the “Culture of Protection”: A Political Economy Analysis of UN Protection of Civilians
Russia's Encounter with Globalization: Actors, Processes and Critical Moments
The chapters of this book analyse an increasingly important dimension of Russian politics, namely responses to globalization. How do Russia’s policy actors understand and seek to meet the political challenges of the 21st century? Emphasis is placed on understanding how Russian domestic politics shape this international engagement. Thematically, the focus is on Russia’s external engagement with areas of policy relating broadly to globalization, namely energy, climate, health, direct foreign investment, finance, and international terrorism.