Book talk: Roadblock politics – The origin of Violence in Central Africa
Join us for a journey into the heart of Africa as Peer Schouten paints a captivating picture of the importance of roadblocks in his new book.
WEBINAR: Renewed Threats from the High North to the Black Sea. Main FLANKS Conclusions and Findings
On Thursday, May 5th 2022, New Strategy Center, in partnership with the Norwegian Institute for International Affairs (NUPI), will organize the online conference ”Renewed Threats from the High North to the Black Sea. Main FLANKS Conclusions and Findings”.
Anna Eriksen Rio
Anna Eriksen Rio is a Research Fellow at NUPI working on the project Public-Private Development Interfaces in Ethiopia (DEVINT). Her PhD project f...
Protest Potentials and Protest Realities: The Gap Between Intent and Action in Russia in 2022
Russian societal response to Putin’s war with Ukraine is hard to gauge. Anecdotal evidence and livestreams of pro-regime rallies suggests a consolidation around the state and President Putin, while evidence from protest and everyday resistance suggests growing opposition. How do we interpret these conflicting signals in a closed system?
Are we making progress on reducing Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated fishing? Challenges and Measures
This seminar seeks to take stock of the progress made by states, regional organizations, and their international partners in reducing IUU fishing, discuss the most successful measures available so far, and reflect on the main challenges of such an endeavour and what can be done differently.
WEBINAR: The secrets of al-Qaeda: “The Bin Laden Papers”
Nelly Lahoud has taken a deep dive into Osama Bin Ladens files and looked at his plans for future attacks in her new book on “The Bin Laden Papers”.
Alle for Xi og Xi for partiet
Kronikk om Det kinesiske kommunistpartiet sin nasjonalkongress og Xi Jinpings lederskap
Chinese politics under Xi Jinping
Kronikk om endringer i den kinesiske grunnloven, som fjerner tidsbegrensningen knyttet til presidentembetet, og muligheten for at Xi Jinping blir sittende lenger.
Kina balanserer på en tynn line
Kronikk om Kinas balansegang knyttet til krigen i Ukraina.
Norge som mål for utenlandske investeringer: Trender og forklaringer
Utenlandske investeringer er en viktig del av økonomien i mange land. Det gjelder også Norge, hvor utenlandskontrollerte foretak sysselsetter 21 prosent av arbeidstakerne i privat næringsliv. Samtidig vet vi at strømmene av investeringer internasjonalt er i endring, med vekst i aktiviteten fra stater som tidligere har investert lite utenlands. Det gjelder spesielt Kina, men også India, Russland og noen andre ikke-tradisjonelle investorland. I denne artikkelen studerer vi hvordan Norges posisjon som destinasjon for investeringer endrer seg. Vi diskuterer utviklingen i lys av etablerte teorier innen samfunnsøkonomi og statsvitenskap.