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Climate change, peace and security in Afghanistan

How does climate change affect peace and security in Afghanistan? NUPI and SIPRI, under the Climate-related Peace and Security Risks project have published a new fact sheet on this topic. Read it here.
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • Africa
  • Climate
  • United Nations
Kristin Haugevik, Øyvind Svendsen, Katja Creutz, Mikkel Runge Olesen, Jakob Linnet Schmidt, Anna Lundborg Regnér

Security debates and partnership choices in the Nordic states: From differentiation to alignment

Summary: What security challenges do the Nordic states highlight in a fluctuating security environment? Towards which partner institutions, networks and states do they orient themselves, and what role do they envision for further Nordic security and defence cooperation? Focusing on Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, this report maps and analyses present-day debates on security and defence in these four states. Examining both official positions and perspectives presented in the wider political and media debates in all four states, a key finding is that their perceptions of the security environment and of key partnerships have become more aligned over the past decade. Further, all four states are woven into a complex web of European and transatlantic initiatives, partnerships and institutions in security and defence. While Finland and Sweden remain outside of NATO and Norway and Iceland outside of the EU, the Nordic states’ participation and degree of integration in European and transatlantic structures is more similar than it used to be. We also observe that the four states appear more aligned than before in their views on how Nordic security and defence cooperation should develop in the future, and for what purpose. While it is still premature to talk about a ‘common Nordic order’ in the security and defence domain, in all four states we find that there is interest in and commitment to further strengthening Nordic security and defence cooperation.

  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • NATO
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • The Nordic countries
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  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • NATO
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • The Nordic countries

Climate, Peace and Security Fact Sheet: Afghanistan

Afghanistan is highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change: rising temperatures, changing precipitation patterns and increasingly frequent extreme weather events. Currently, Afghanistan is experiencing its worst drought in 27 years, which, compounded with COVID-19 and the economic contraction that followed the takeover of the government by the Taliban in August 2021, has significantly increased livelihood and food insecurity and contributed to a growing humanitarian emergency.
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • Africa
  • Conflict
  • Climate
  • United Nations

What is triggering military coups in West Africa?

Western and Central Africa have been rocked by a series of military takeovers in the past 18 months. The coups have reversed democratic gains in a region that's been dubbed the continent's ‘coup belt’. Andrew Tchie, from the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs explains.

  • Africa
  • Peace, crisis and conflict
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  • Africa
  • Peace, crisis and conflict

Nordic Cooperation: Drivers and constraints

Remarks at the seminar "Nordic cooperation amid pandemic travel restrictions"

  • Security policy
  • Regional integration
  • Diplomacy
  • The Nordic countries
  • Pandemics
  • Security policy
  • Regional integration
  • Diplomacy
  • The Nordic countries
  • Pandemics
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2. Feb 2022

The Sahel - fragile states and violent entrepreneurs

The Sahel has recently gotten attention from the international community because of the many challenges this realm faces. This webinar marks the end of a three-year long project that has taken a closer look at the Sahel.


We’re kickstarting 2022 with a new podcast series

Want to know a bit more about what’s happening in the world and why?
  • Foreign policy
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16:00 - 17:30
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22. Feb 2022
16:00 - 17:30

The UN in South Sudan 2022: Risks and opportunities in an uncertain peace process

The UN Security Council will in March this year renew the mandate of UNMISS marking the tenth renewal of the Mission’s mandate since it began in 2011.

14:00 - 15:30
Microsoft Teams
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Microsoft Teams
2. Feb 2022
14:00 - 15:30
Microsoft Teams

Mental health and radicalization

The possible relationship between mental health and radicalization, extremism and terrorist involvement has received a lot of attention recently. But what do we really know about this relationship?

Policy brief
Amund Nørstrud Lundesgaard

Navigating High-Profile and Low Availability: Norway and the Emerging US Maritime-Strategic Approach

Summary: Despite a resurgence of Russian naval power, and subsequent increase in US maritime-strategic interest in the Northern Flank and Norway, the grand return of US naval forces to this region is unlikely. Rather, a combination of four separate but interconnected developments form the basis of a new, albeit unarticulated, US maritime-strategic approach to NATO’s Northern Flank. This policy brief looks at these approaches and give the following recommendations: Strengthen the Norwegian defence and naval budgets. Continue and increase European defence integration and cooperation efforts such as Joint Expeditionary Force. European operational planning should reflect the likelihood of limited US naval assistance in the initial phases of a conflict. Work towards European cooperation on maritime out-of-area operations. Explore the potential of replacing Marine Corps presence in Norway with that of the US Army.

  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • NATO
  • The Arctic
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  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • NATO
  • The Arctic
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