EU-NATO cooperation: competition or complementarity?
Which challenges and possibilities lie within a closer EU-NATO cooperation? This is what we will dive into in this seminar with Daniel Fiott.
China’s multilateral stretch: Crafting influence with international organizations
China’s rise as a multilateral power is stirring reactions internationally, with many actors worrying about Chinese influence over specific international organizations (IOs), and its rippling effects on multilateral governance overall. In this brief, we discuss how and why China is working to craft its proactive IO diplomacy, by building position in many established and development oriented IOs, especially, and by initiating new institutions, incorporating to wide range of relations and issues. We show how expanding engagements within the UN and other multilateral arenas demonstrate China’s readiness to both follow, modify, and ignore established rules and norms, while working to ensure that multilateral institutions better reflect Chinese interests and conditions.
Kulturkampene i USA og betydning for politisk klima og utenrikspolitikk
I denne analysen skal vi se nærmere på den underliggende interne dynamikken for kulturkampene. Vi begynner med venstresiden før vi ser på høyresiden og til slutt spør om dette også kan få betydning for amerikansk utenrikspolitikk.
Focus on Africa: Security in West Africa
Dr Andrew E. Yaw Tchie discusses recent peace and security developments in West Africa (from min. 32:08).
‘Global Britain’ and security in the near abroad. Leadership through flexilateralism?
The British government’s vision for a post-Brexit ‘Global Britain’ is increasingly taking shape in (i) the security and defence domain and (ii) the UK’s near abroad. Recent policy documents highlight how the UK sees a strengthened role for itself in tackling security and defence challenges in the Euro-Atlantic region, including in the High North and Arctic. Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the UK has increased its security and defence engagement in the Euro-Atlantic region further. While NATO continues to be the key security framework, the UK increasingly resorts to British-led formats like the Northern Group and the Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF), along with bi- and trilateral engagements. With JEF-members Finland and Sweden set to join NATO, there is a potential for JEF to take on a more explicit role as a supporting instrument for the alliance, but also to function as an informal political consultation forum prior to action being taken.
Cyber security in Norway
As one of the world's most digitized countries, cyber attacks against Norway are something we should be well prepared for. But are we sufficiently secured? This edition of Hvor hender det? answers the questions: - What exactly is a cyber attack? - Does Norway have good cyber security? - What kind of Russian cyber attacks have we seen in Ukraine and Europe? - And why is it so important that Norway protects itself against cyber attacks now?
Big EU project to NUPI
A Governance and Risk Inventory for a Changing Arctic
Background Paper for the Arctic Security Roundtable at the Munich Security Conference 2020
PODCAST: Putin’s potential headache: The anti-mobilization protests in North Caucasus
The pulling power of Paris: Unpacking the role of ‘pledge & review’ in climate governance (PullP)
Will the Paris Agreement deliver on its promise and will the international community be able to avoid dangerous climate change? This project analyses the role of the governance architecture of the Par...