Norway and the BRICS: Mapping Opportunities and Challenges
The project is expected to contribute to strengthen NUPI’s research on emerging powers and on the interlinkages between business and foreign policy....
En ny opprinnelse? Om 1800- tallet som startskuddet for dagens internasjonal politikk
Towards a Transformative Women, Peace and Security Agenda
NUPI and NOREF have the pleasure of inviting you to a public lunch seminar with Dr. Carol Cohn.
Many Russians see Ukraine as an illegitimate state
A majority of Russians favour a reduction of Ukraine’s territory, according to new research findings.
Ukraine's Public Sector in Transition: Assessing the Progress and Adaptation to EU Standards and Best Practices
Assessing the progress in institutional transition of Ukraine's public sector in light of signing the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement in 2014.
UN@70 (FN70)
Norway is developing recommendations and ideas for UN reform for the new Secretary General in the project 'UN@70: A new Agenda'...
Good intentions, mixed results – A conflict sensitive unpacking of the EU comprehensive approach to conflict and crisis mechanisms (EUNPACK)
The EUNPACK project unpacks EU crisis response mechanisms, with the aim to increase their conflict sensitivity and efficiency....