Norske interesser og norske utestasjoner
(Available in Norwegian only): Stater har utenrikspolitiske interesser, og de har en utenrikstjeneste med stasjoner rundt omkring i verden, hvis oppgave det er å forfølge disse interessene. Denne beskrivelsen tør være relativt ukontroversiell, men med det slutter også enigheten. For hva dekkes egentlig av «interesser», hvordan prioriteres de ved utestasjonene og hvordan arbeider utestasjonene for å sikre interessene? Hovedlinjene i norsk utenrikspolitikk kan finnes i sentrale lover, budsjettdokumenter og utenrikspolitiske redegjørelser. Samtidig har det de siste ti årene foregått en rekke interessante diskusjoner om interessebegrepet i norsk utenrikspolitikk, og utenrikstjenesten har selv tatt grep for å få en bedre samlet empirisk og konkret forståelse av de faktiske vurderinger av norske interesser og arbeid med å fremme disse ved utestasjonene. NUPI var med på den forrige runden med analyser av slikt materiale (Sverdrup et. al 2012; Leira & Sverdrup 2013). Denne rapporten utvikler videre én side ved diskusjonen om norske interesser, og presenterer for første gang resultatene fra en kvantitativ spørreskjemabasert analyse av hvordan norske interesser oppfattes og vurderes, og hvordan det arbeides med norske interesser ved norske utestasjoner. Bakgrunnen for denne rapporten er at Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt (NUPI) har fått i oppdrag av Utenriksdepartementet å gjennomføre en analyse av hvordan de norske utestasjonene vurderer viktig-heten av en rekke forskjellige norske interesser i deres vertsland/vertsorganisasjoner/embetsdistrikter, hvilke interesser som vertslandet er særlig opptatt av i sitt møte med norske diplomater, hvordan det arbeides det med å fremme de ulike interessene og hvilke områder utestasjonene vurderer som viktige å prioritere i fremtiden.
Conflicting theory and practice
Donor mechanisms for control and recipients’ desires for autonomy often collide in the development aid universe, shows a NUPI researcher in a recent book.
Towards More People-Centric Peace Operations: From ‘Extension of State Authority’ to ‘Strengthening Inclusive State-Society Relations
Periods of conflict erode trust between national and local authorities and the people they govern, a trust that needs to be re-established. As peace operations are undertaken by inter-governmental bodies that tend to be inherently state-centric, however, peace operations need to go beyond merely supporting the extension of state-authority and strengthen inclusive state-society relations by supporting and facilitating inclusive processes that can address social cohesion, inequalities and marginalization. In order to support the emergence of resilient societies, these operations must help states and their societies to develop inclusive processes that enable participatory and responsive state institutions that are closely connected to the social institutions in the communities they serve. Furthermore, peace operations are often perceived as being partial to the party in government, while the government of the day often discourages peace operations from engaging with civil society. In the first part of this paper we explain why strengthening inclusive state-society relations is an important issue to address when peace operations are mandated to foster peace processes that can resist relapse. The second half of the paper shifts the attention to how peace operations can enhance and support state-society relations. In addition to monitoring the effect peace operations have on state institutions, operations should monitor how people experience the role and impact of peace operations. This can be assessed in a number of ways, including by involving representative advisory groups from civil society and local communities in assessments, analysis, planning, implementation and evaluation, so as to ensure continuous direct input and feedback from the society on the work of the peace operation.
Contributing to Africa's Peacekeeping Capacity: 20 Years of Training for Peace in Africa
EU Leadership in Energy and Environmental Governance
This edited volume focuses on the impact of the changing global distribution of power on the EU's energy policy and ability to project its approach to energy-related issues abroad. The authors map the EU's energy governance, its changing global position and the impact of various factors and actors on its capacity to pursue its interests in the field of energy. The volume provides insights into the internal and external energy policy of the EU, explores how various EU institutions shape energy policy and examines the state of the EU's relations with its external energy suppliers, such as Russia, and with other global energy actors, such as China, the main global consumer of energy; the USA, which is going through a technologically-driven energy revolution; and Brazil, which may become a key global energy player.
Myanmar elections – what is at stake?
The voting on November 8 takes place within three watershed political transitions. Watch Dr. Marc Lanteignes NUPI talk on the upcoming elections here.
Why Ukraine matters
NUPI has the pleasure of inviting you to a public seminar with James Sherr from Chatham House.