Expectations for the Warsaw Summit: Conventional and nuclear responses to Russian belligerence
This paper describes two aspects of the changed security environment. First, it discusses NATO’s response to the new threats on its eastern and southern borders. The Alliance took a number of modest steps at the Wales Summit in september 2014 to deal with those, but were they enough? Will it announce a more robust response at the Warsaw Summit this summer? Second, what is the role for NATO nuclear policy in strategic deterrence? Why is this topic back in discussion after years of benign neglect within the Alliance? Given its sensitivity, this subject is unlikely to be discussed at the next summit—but perhaps it should be. This paper addresses some of the key elements of deterrence strategy in an alliance that has not had to think about the subject for more than two decades.
Cyber Security as Development Assistance - Growth and Vulnerability
The importance of digital technology underpins most of the social, economic and political development goals of most donor countries and international organisations today. Cyber Security Capacity Building (CCB), an approach aimed at advancing, cultivating and encouraging growth and stability in developing countries through digitalization, seems set to play an increasingly important role in future foreign policy considerations and government programmes. In the NUPI project ‘Cyber Security Capacity Building (2015-2016) we have mapped out concrete risks and challenges, proposed recommendations for dealing with them, and provided suggestions for implementing the adequate tools effectively. This policy brief presents a summary of the final report, which draws on project reports produced by NUPI related to this project.
Caucasus and Central Asia at 25: political and social developments in the post-Soviet space
At this seminar 11 university teams from South Caucasus and Central Asia that have taken part in NUPI’s “Research Beyond the Ivory Tower” project will share their insights on the diverse political, social and economic developments that have taken place across the region.
Can NATO’s new Very High Readiness Joint Task force deter?
This Policy Brief is an extended version of an article that first published in the journal Atlantisch Perspeetief (39:6) under the headline ”NATO’s new spearhead force: Credible deterrence?”
External powers and the Arab spring
How did external powers react when the political landscape opened up and the Arab Spring unfolded? And how much did they matter? Sverre Lodgaard addresses these questions in his most recent book.
GOODGOV, or what Poland and Norway can do to improve European governance?
The seminar will present the main findings of the GoodGov Project - National and European Governance: Polish and Norwegian Cooperation Towards More Efficient Security, Energy and Migration Policies.
Russia and the future of Arctic cooperation
The seminar will present the new NUPI project CANARCT – Can cooperative Russian and Western Arctic policies survive the current crisis in Russian-Western relations?
Women in elected politics: variations, barriers, and effects
NUPI is happy to welcome Torild Skard, Mala Htun and Elin Bjarnegård to share insights from their recent research on women in elected politics across the world
30 years of renovation: achievements and prospects of economic and social development in Viet Nam
NUPI has the pleasure of welcoming H.E. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thien Nhan, Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF), to an open seminar.