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Europe is changing – faced with financial crises, conflicts in its neighbourhood, war in Ukraine and power shifts on the international scene.

The EU is the dominant theme of NUPI’s research on Europe. Increased cooperation and the development of common institutions in Europe, EU foreign and defence policy, EU policy towards neighbouring states and adjacent regions, as well as the role of NATO in Europe are all important areas of study. Also central are questions of energy production in Europe and European energy security. Further priority areas for research at NUPI are the special position of Europe in Norwegian foreign policy, and the role of Europe in global geopolitics.
Minda  Holm

Minda Holm

Senior Research Fellow

Minda Holm is a Senior Research Fellow with the research group Global Order and Diplomacy. She holds a PhD in Political Science from the Universit...

  • Security policy
  • Diplomacy
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Conflict
  • Governance
  • International organizations
  • Historical IR
  • Security policy
  • Diplomacy
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Conflict
  • Governance
  • International organizations
  • Historical IR
Scientific article

Sovereignty and Solidarity: Moral Obligation, Confessional England, and the Huguenots

  • Diplomacy
  • Europe
  • Governance
  • Diplomacy
  • Europe
  • Governance
Scientific article

Imperializing Norden

  • Europe
  • Governance
  • Europe
  • Governance
Scientific article

Mapping Western Balkans Civilian Capacities for Peace Operations

  • Europe
  • Peace operations
  • Europe
  • Peace operations
  • Security policy
  • Europe
  • Energy

The rise of Euroscepticism and how to deal with it in the EU

It used to be seen as a British disease, but Euroscepticism has spread like a virus across the continent – infecting creditors, debtors, would-be euro-members and outs alike. Trust in the European project has fallen even faster than European interest rates. Since the beginning of the crisis, France losses 32 points, Germany -49, Italy -52, Spain -98, Poland -44, UK –36.The damage is so deep that it does not matter whether coun-tries are creditors, debtor countries, would-be members of the euro or countries with opt-outs: everybody is worse off. Back in 2007, people thought that the UK, which scored minus 13 points in trust, was the Eurosceptic outlier. Now, the four members of the eurozone come in well below Britain in their trust for EU institutions: Germany -29, France and Italy -22, Spain -52. What is happening?I think there is a fundamental crisis at the level of narrative for Europe, in the nature of the EU project and in political organization at a national level.

  • International economics
  • Regional integration
  • Europe
  • The EU
  • International economics
  • Regional integration
  • Europe
  • The EU

Norway and 20 years of EEA

  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • The EU
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • The EU

Importance of the European Neighbourhood Policy: A role for Norway?

  • Security policy
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • The EU
  • Security policy
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • The EU

The European Neighbourhood Policy: An instrument for security community building

  • Security policy
  • Europe
  • The EU
  • Security policy
  • Europe
  • The EU
  • Security policy
  • Europe
  • The EU
651 - 660 of 712 items