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NUPI skole


17:15 - 18:45
17:15 - 18:45
27. Nov 2017
17:15 - 18:45

North Korea and the USA: the simplified black and white conflict

In cooperation with the Norwegian Network for Asian Studies, NUPI invites you to this talk on the ‘Doomsday Clock’ and the threat of a global nuclear war.

Scientific article

Regime Development and Patron–Client Relations: The 2016 Transnistrian Presidential Elections and the "Russia Factor"

In December 2016, Transnistria held presidential elections in which, after an exceptionally loud and dirty campaign, the incumbent yielded power to his main opponent. This article explores regime evolution in the breakaway republic through the prism of these elections. First, drawing on the literature on hybrid regimes, we ask what the recent campaign can tell us about regime evolution in Transnistria. Second, arguing that, in the case of Eurasian de facto states, this literature must be complemented by a discussion of the role of the patron state, we then turn to the importance of the "Russia factor." We conclude by arguing that, due to Transnistria's dependency on its Moscow patron, this factor always looms large – but not necessarily in the ways that might be expected.

  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Governance
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Governance

PODCAST: Brexit and implications for the EU, EEA and Norway

30 October marked the end of the three yearlong EUNOR project. Podcasts are now available on all the topics that were discussed during the conference.

  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • The EU
Scientific article

Norden og Storbritannia – et nytt avsnitt

In this special issue of Internasjonal Politikk, we discuss how Britain’s decision to leave the EU will influence Norden and the individual Nordic countries. A little more than a year has now passed since the British EU referendum, which ended with a majority of those voting recommending that Britain should leave the Union. “Brexit” marks a crossroads in European political history, and will be central in European politics for many years to come. The outcome of the negotiations is uncertain, as are the long-term implications of Britain’s withdrawal. What is certain is that Brexit has already created unrest and insecurity in Europe, and that it will change both Britain’s role in Europe and intra-EU dynamics. These changes will in all likelihood also influence the Nordic countries – Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden – which belong in the Northwestern corner of Europe and historically have had close ties to Britain. Independent of their formal attachment to the EU, they all need to redefine their relations with Britain as well as with Europe and the EU post-Brexit.

  • Regional integration
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • The Nordic countries
  • The EU
  • Regional integration
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • The Nordic countries
  • The EU
Scientific article

Hva betyr brexit for utenforlandet Norge?

What does Brexit mean for EU outsider Norway? This article discusses how the British decision to leave the EU has influenced Norwegian EU debate thus far, and what implications Brexit might have for Norway’s relations with the EU and with Britain. I begin by presenting Norway’s current association model with the EU, and the ongoing political and media debate about membership and the EEA agreement, before I introduce Brexit as a breaking point. In the remainder of the article, I examine how the Norwegian government has approached Brexit so far, and reflect on how Britain’s departure from the EU may influence Norway’s relations with the EU, the EEA agreement and the British-Norwegian bilateral relationship.

  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • The Nordic countries
  • The EU
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • The Nordic countries
  • The EU
15:00 - 16:30
15:00 - 16:30
26. Nov 2017
15:00 - 16:30

Xi Jinping’s China – what does the future hold?

China's president has now started his second term at power. What is the future outlook for the country's economy? And how does Japan perceive its neighbour?

Research project
2017 - 2023 (Completed)

Empires, Privateering and the sea (EMPRISE)

EMPRISE studies the role of the importance of power at sea for the formation of empires and states from 1500-1856....

  • Security policy
  • Trade
  • Diplomacy
  • Europe
  • North America
  • South and Central America
  • Conflict
  • Oceans
  • Governance
  • Historical IR
  • Security policy
  • Trade
  • Diplomacy
  • Europe
  • North America
  • South and Central America
  • Conflict
  • Oceans
  • Governance
  • Historical IR
10:30 - 17:30
Ridehuset, Akershus Fortress
10:30 - 17:30
Ridehuset, Akershus Fortress
21. Nov 2017
10:30 - 17:30
Ridehuset, Akershus Fortress

Military Power Seminar 2017 - The Defence of Europe

With a Europe in great change and Russia as the neighbour in the East, Norway is up against some big defence questions in the years to come. This year's Military Power Seminar hosted by Norwegian Defence University College and NUPI, will take a close look at these challenges.


NEW BOOK: Meeting the dragon in the North

The Nordics have a lot to gain from learning from each other's relationship with China.

  • Diplomacy
  • Foreign policy
  • Asia
  • The Nordic countries
Scientific article

Et valg uten alternativer

(Norwegian only): Japans LDP er ikke et spesielt populært parti, så hvorfor fikk de såpass stor valgoppslutning? spør Wrenn Y. Lingren og Petter Lindgren i denne Klassekampen-kronikken.

  • Asia
  • Governance
  • Asia
  • Governance
1401 - 1410 of 2331 items