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Kari M. Osland is NUPI's new Director

Kari M. Osland is the new Director at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs from 1 September 2023.
  • Foreign policy
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Should the Security Council Engage with Implications of Climate Change? Let’s Look at the Scientific Evidence

Climate change is a controversial topic at the United Nations (UN) Security Council. The Council has adopted over 70 resolutions and presidential statements that address aspects of climate-related peace and security implications. However, a few members strongly oppose adding climate change to the Security Council agenda. When a thematic resolution on the security implications of climate change came up for a vote in December 2021, Russia went so far as to veto it. India also voted against it, while China abstained. But twelve Council members voted in favor, and 113 non-members co-sponsored the resolution—the second highest number of co-sponsors in Security Council history.
  • Climate
  • United Nations

Climate, Peace, and Security in Yemen

In a new Fact Sheet from the joint NUPI and SIPRI Climate-related Peace and Security Risks Project (CPSR), the team explore the nexus between climate change, peace, and security in Yemen.
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • Conflict
  • Climate
  • United Nations

Climate, Peace and Security Fact Sheet: Yemen

Yemen is facing one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world due to a combination of prolonged conflict, economic crisis and recurrent climate change-related natural hazards. These hazards include temperature increases, rising sea levels and changing patterns in rainfall, causing floods, droughts, reduced water availability and soil degradation. Climate change exacerbates vulnerabilities, threatens livelihoods and influences existing conflicts.
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • Conflict
  • Climate
  • United Nations
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New research
New research

An urgent call for regional cooperation and adaptation in Central Asia

Central Asia faces severe climate threats. In this newly published book, experts highlight what the region must take into account when tackling these issues.
  • Asia
  • Climate
  • Energy
New research
New research

NUPI team to take over as editors of the prestigious journal Cooperation and Conflict

“Our aim is to consolidate Cooperation and Conflict as a platform for IR scholarship that is theoretically innovative, methodologically pluralist, empirically and historically rigorous, critical in outlook yet grounded in and with implications for key mainstream debates,” says Benjamin de Carvalho.
  • Diplomacy and foreign policy
  • The Nordic countries
  • Global governance
  • Theory and method
  • Historical IR

Understanding the roots of Kurdish resilience to violent extremism in Iraq

What are the reasons behind the limited impact of violent extremism and the Islamic State in the Kurdistan region of Iraq?
  • Terrorism and extremism
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • Peace, crisis and conflict

Climate, Peace, and Security in Iraq

In this updated Fact Sheet from the joint NUPI and SIPRI Climate-related Peace and Security Risks Project (CPSR), the team explore the nexus between climate change, peace and security in Iraq.

Climate, Peace and Security Fact Sheet: Iraq

Iraq is highly exposed to climate change-related extreme weather events. Droughts, floods, heatwaves and dust storms are negatively affecting the environment, agriculture, water availability, health and other aspects of the everyday lives of Iraq’s population. These climate change impacts undermine development and exacerbate existing vulnerabilities, which, combined with other factors, increases the risk of instability and conflict.
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Julie Wilhelmsen is awarded The Fritt Ord Foundation Prize 2023

Through her nuanced commentary and courage to speak up in a heated public debate, Julie Wilhelmsen has demonstrated the importance of academic freedom of expression.
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