Effect of non-tariff measures on extensive and intensive margins of export in seafood trade
This paper is written with financial support by “Non-tariff barriers, food safety and international food trade” joint project of Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), University of Life Sciences and Kyiv School of Economics (KSE) funded by the Research Council of Norway (Contract no. 216742/O10).
Non-tariff measures, exporting,and productivity: evidence from microdata in food processing industry
This paper is written with financial support by Non-tari barriers, food safety and international food trade joint project of Norwegian Institute of international Affairs (NUPI), University of Life Sciences and Kyiv School of Economics (KSE) funded by the Research Council of Norway (Contract no. 216742/O10).
Transatlantic Governance in Food Trade: Dispute settlement and equivalence as trade-facilitating tools
Effect of NTM on Productivity of Firms in Food Processing
This paper is written with financial support by Non-tarif barriers, food safety and international food trade joint project of Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), University of Life Sciences and Kyiv School of Economics (KSE) funded by the Research Council of Norway (Contract no. 216742/O10).