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Policy brief


NATO: A historical moment in the Nordic-Baltic region

Skjermbilde 2024-08-29 kl. 20.24.08.png


Finland’s membership in NATO on April 4th 2023 represent a watershed moment in Baltic and Nordic history. By entering into a formal military alliance with its neighbours, Finland will be part of a united front of deterrence against Russia, reaching from the High North to the Black Sea.

The Baltic countries, which always have felt vulnerable and exposed given their geopolitical location, now have a new and capable ally next door. But what are the concrete implications for Nordic-Baltic security and defence?

This is the key question discussed in this article.
  • Published year: 2023
  • Full version: Read the article here
  • Language: English
  • Journal: Baltic Rim Economies


  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • NATO
  • Europe
  • The Nordic countries