Scientific article
Geir Flikke: Russlands rebeller: Protest og reaksjon i Putins Russland (2011–2020)
Based on a review of extensive source material, Geir Flikke describes how Alexei Navalny has gradually evolved into becoming one of the Russian opposition’s top profiles, a process that culminated in Navalny's (failed) campaign to be registered as a candidate in the 2018 presidential election. Flikke provides an in-depth and detailed review of strategies, slogans and protest repertoire. Both "rebels" and the regime are increasingly using creative methods – the opposition to reach their target audience, the authorities to stifle all attempts at what is often referred to as a potential "color revolution".
- Published year: 2021
- Page count: 3
- Language: Norwegian
- Volume: 37
- Journal: Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift