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Projects & centers

NUPI's research projects, research programmes, and research centres. 

2019 - 2020 (Completed)

Consequences for the seafood industry of termination of the European Economic Area (EEA) Agreement

The main aim of the project is the publication of a book in Norwegian about the consequences for the seafood industry if the EEA agreement is terminated....

  • International economics
  • Economic growth
  • Trade
  • Diplomacy
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • Governance
  • International organizations
  • The EU
  • International economics
  • Economic growth
  • Trade
  • Diplomacy
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • Governance
  • International organizations
  • The EU

Centre for International Economics and Trade

  • International economics
  • Economic growth
  • Trade
  • International investments
  • Globalisation
  • Regional integration
  • International economics
  • Economic growth
  • Trade
  • International investments
  • Globalisation
  • Regional integration
Research project
2020 - 2025 (Ongoing)

Roads to Power? The political effects of infrastructure projects in Asia (ROADS)

Does investing in roads and railroads in another country generate increased political influence? ROADS seeks to answer this question by zooming in on China´s role in building high-speed railways (HSR)...

  • International economics
  • Diplomacy
  • Foreign policy
  • Asia
  • International economics
  • Diplomacy
  • Foreign policy
  • Asia
Research project
2019 - 2025 (Ongoing)

Consequences of Investments for National Security (COINS)

How can liberal open societies reap the benefits of open economies, but at the same time protect their legitimate security interests? In the project “Consequences of Investments for National Security”...

  • Security policy
  • Economic growth
  • Trade
  • International investments
  • Globalisation
  • Development policy
  • Europe
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Asia
  • The Nordic countries
  • Governance
  • The EU
  • Security policy
  • Economic growth
  • Trade
  • International investments
  • Globalisation
  • Development policy
  • Europe
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Asia
  • The Nordic countries
  • Governance
  • The EU
Research project
2019 - 2020 (Completed)

Report on development and use of risk-assessment tools for violent extremism

This project shall examine the development and use of risk-assessment tools related to violent extremism, and elucidate the evidential basis on which the tools are built....

  • Security policy
  • Terrorism and extremism
  • Security policy
  • Terrorism and extremism
Research project
2019 - 2021 (Completed)

New frameworks for Norwegian security and defence policy (TEOTEK)

This project aims to employ diverse theoretical perspectives to enhance our understanding of the development of new technology, and its consequences and implications for Norwegian security and defence...

  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • NATO
  • Foreign policy
  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • NATO
  • Foreign policy
Research project
2019 - 2023 (Completed)

Preventing Violent Extremism in the Balkans and the MENA: Strengthening Resilience in Enabling Environments (PREVEX)

The overarching objective of PREVEX is to put forward more fine-tuned and effective approaches to preventing violent extremism....

  • Terrorism and extremism
  • Europe
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • Conflict
  • Governance
  • The EU
  • Comparative methods
  • Terrorism and extremism
  • Europe
  • The Middle East and North Africa
  • Conflict
  • Governance
  • The EU
  • Comparative methods
Bildet viser Kinas president Xi Jinping foran FN-logoen i 2015
Research project
2018 - 2019 (Completed)

China and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (CHINSDG)

What are Chinese priorities in relation to the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and how do Chinese actors promote their interests and prospects for international cooperation?...

  • International economics
  • Economic growth
  • Development policy
  • Foreign policy
  • Africa
  • Asia
  • Peace operations
  • Humanitarian issues
  • Conflict
  • Fragile states
  • Climate
  • Human rights
  • Governance
  • International organizations
  • United Nations
  • AU
  • International economics
  • Economic growth
  • Development policy
  • Foreign policy
  • Africa
  • Asia
  • Peace operations
  • Humanitarian issues
  • Conflict
  • Fragile states
  • Climate
  • Human rights
  • Governance
  • International organizations
  • United Nations
  • AU
Bildet viser Verdensbankens leder Jim Jong Kim og Kinas president Xi Jinping
Research project
2018 (Completed)

China and Multilateral Development Banks (KINMDB)

How and why is China strengthening its position in the major development banks?...

  • International economics
  • Economic growth
  • Globalisation
  • Development policy
  • Diplomacy
  • Asia
  • Governance
  • International organizations
  • International economics
  • Economic growth
  • Globalisation
  • Development policy
  • Diplomacy
  • Asia
  • Governance
  • International organizations
2019 - 2020 (Completed)

Common Fear Factors in Foreign Policy (COMFEAR)

COMFEAR aims to identify key issues of common concern and shared threats as perceived by publics and policymakers in Czechia and Norway....

  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • Terrorism and extremism
  • NATO
  • Regional integration
  • Diplomacy
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • Governance
  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • Terrorism and extremism
  • NATO
  • Regional integration
  • Diplomacy
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • Governance
51 - 60 of 182 items