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Boris Johnson speaking at Chatham House in London
Foto: The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

Research project

Globale Storbritannia i nord

In this project we aim to contribute to the emerging research on the UK’s quest for a new foreign, security and defence policy role at the dusk of the formal Brexit process.


  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • NATO
  • Diplomacy
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • The Nordic countries
  • Governance
  • The EU


We do so by investigating the discursive and practical creation of ‘Global Britain’ and its manifestations in the High North and Arctic regions. How are the ambitions of ‘Global Britain’ formulated in relation to these regions, and what characterizes recent engagements by ‘Global Britain’ in the North?

Project Manager

Kristin Haugevik
Research Director, Research Professor


Øyvind Svendsen
Senior Research Fellow


New research
New research

The quest for a foreign policy ‘home turf’ after Brexit

Brexit marked a turning point in British foreign policy. Who would the United Kingdom now be on the world stage?
  • Defence and security
  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe

New publications


‘Global Britain’ and security in the near abroad. Leadership through flexilateralism?

The British government’s vision for a post-Brexit ‘Global Britain’ is increasingly taking shape in (i) the security and defence domain and (ii) the UK’s near abroad. Recent policy documents highlight how the UK sees a strengthened role for itself in tackling security and defence challenges in the Euro-Atlantic region, including in the High North and Arctic. Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the UK has increased its security and defence engagement in the Euro-Atlantic region further. While NATO continues to be the key security framework, the UK increasingly resorts to British-led formats like the Northern Group and the Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF), along with bi- and trilateral engagements. With JEF-members Finland and Sweden set to join NATO, there is a potential for JEF to take on a more explicit role as a supporting instrument for the alliance, but also to function as an informal political consultation forum prior to action being taken.

  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • NATO
  • Europe
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  • Defence
  • Security policy
  • NATO
  • Europe

Britain and the world

Guest lecture about Britain in the world - historically and today.

  • Europe
  • Europe

Britain and Europe

Lecture about Britain and Europe - historically and today.

  • Europe
  • Europe

Etter bruddet ­- hvor går Storbritannia post Brexit?

Hvor går veien videre for Storbritannia? Finnes det «en tredje vei», mer eller mindre fristilt fra EU og EØS-lignende avtaler, som sikrer at både hennen i gata, bedriftseieren og politikerne finner fram til mer stabile løsninger som sikrer forsoning, framtidsoptimisme og en gjenreist fordums stolthet for den kulturelt sett så store og rike øystaten i vest? For å bruke den britiske journalisten David Goodharths begrepspar somewheres og anywheres, i senere tid ofte brukt for å forklare grunnleggende motsetninger i befolkningen, kan man si at den tidvis aggressive motstanden mot Brussel tilsynelatende kom ingensteds fra. Det er på mange måter denne delen av Storbritannia Yohan Shanmugaratnam har beskrevet i sin kritikerroste og prisvinnende bok «Bruddet», som gir et unikt bilde av situasjonen sett fra «bakken» i England. Shanmugaratnam møter forfatter Øyvind Bratberg, i år aktuell med «Falmet fløyel i London», samt en av Norges fremste kapasiteter på temaet Brexit i Kristin Haugevik fra NUPI. Samtalen ledes av journalist Ina Gundersen. Arrangeres i samarbeid mellom Kapittel og Kåkå Kverulantkatedralen.

  • Diplomacy
  • Europe
  • The EU
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  • Diplomacy
  • Europe
  • The EU