Research Project
Community-based policing and post-conflict police reform (ICT4COP)
Inter-disciplinary and international, exploring the practice of policing and emphasizing information and communication technologies for human security, this EU funded applied social research project will create greater knowledge of social, cultural, legal and ethical dimensions of community-based policing in post-conflict societies.
Watch Senior research Fellow Kari Osland give an introduction to Community-oriented policing and challenges related to this:
The project is coordinated by the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). To read more about the project, people and publications visit the main web page.
Coordinator of project: Ingrid Nyborg (NMBU).
Coordinator at NUPI: Kari Osland.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No 653909.
This project is funded by the EU's research programme H2020.
Project Manager
- University of Durham, UK
- Jagiellonian University Krakow, Poland
- Universidad de Chile, Chile
- CIPREVI, Guatemala
- COMSATS, Pakistan,
- NCA Afghanistan, Afghanistan
- University of Juba, South Sudan
- New Social Impact Lab Foundation, Kenya/US
- Applied Intelligence Analytics, Ireland
- University of Brement, GE
- Politihøgskolen
- A network of about 40 international police experts
Project Manager
- University of Durham, UK
- Jagiellonian University Krakow, Poland
- Universidad de Chile, Chile
- CIPREVI, Guatemala
- COMSATS, Pakistan,
- NCA Afghanistan, Afghanistan
- University of Juba, South Sudan
- New Social Impact Lab Foundation, Kenya/US
- Applied Intelligence Analytics, Ireland
- University of Brement, GE
- Politihøgskolen
- A network of about 40 international police experts