Protection of critical infrastructure in Norway and the three Baltic states: similarities and differences
Various cyberattacks on elements of critical infrastructure and digital incursions that aimed to influence political outcomes and decisions have revealed serious digital vulnerabilities and the central role digital infrastructure plays in our societies. The Covid pandemic with its dramatic outcomes has demonstrated the importance of non-military aspects of security and deficiencies of the existing infrastructure that was not prepared to meet this unexpected challenge. How the question of protection of critical infrastructure is addressed in Norway and the three Baltic states – Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania - is the main topic of the seminar organized by NUPI on 19 October 2021.
The Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) cordially invites you to the seminar “Protection of critical infrastructure in Norway and the three Baltic states: similarities and differences.” This seminar will present the main findings of the project Critical infrastructure protection and communication thereof: the case of the Baltic states and Norway (CIICPP) funded by the Fund for Bilateral Relations of the EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanisms 2014-2021 and conducted jointly by the Latvian Institute of International Affairs LIIA, Latvia, the International Centre for Defence and Security (ICDS), Estonia, Vilnius University, Lithuania and the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs NUPI, Norway. Members of the CIICPP team will present the main findings at the seminar that will be held on 19 October 2021 from 14:00 to 15:30 at NUPI.
Covid: Although many have been vaccinated, the pandemic is not over. The general infection control advice that still apply are:
- Stay at home if you are ill
- Test for covid-19 if you have symptoms of a respiratory infection. This applies to both vaccinated and non-vaccinated.
- Have good hand and cough hygiene
- If you belong to a risk group, follow the advice to people in risk groups (fhi.no)