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Advocacy, action and obligations: The UN’s work to promote human rights

New seminar in the series "UN70: A new agenda seminar series". The discussion in this seminar aim to identify ideas and suggestions for the agenda of the next Secretary-General, who takes office on 1 January 2017.
17 February 2016
10:00 Europe/Oslo
Language: English


  • Humanitarian issues
  • Human rights
  • United Nations
  • English

This seminar is the second seminar out of three in the UN70: A new Agenda seminar series, which NUPI co-organises with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It focuses on human rights – one of the pillars on which the United Nations’ work is based – and explores the organisation’s work to promote human rights at country level and through its various mechanisms.

The discussions aim to identify ideas and suggestions for the agenda of the next Secretary-General, who takes office on 1 of January 2017.

Follow the seminar live on YouTube:

10:00-10:15: Welcome and introductions
Eli Stamnes, Senior Research Fellow, NUPI.
Gjermund Sæther, Project Manager, UN70: A New Agenda, MFA.

Key note from the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva:
”The state of human rights and the work of the UN at country level"
Gianni Magazzeni, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Questions and answers between moderator and Magazzeni.
Njål Høstmælingen, Director, International Law and Policy Institute. 

10:45-11:30: Panel discussion.
The state of human rights today: Achievements and shortcomings.
Kirsten Sandberg, Professor of law, University of Oslo.
Rania Maktabi, Researcher, Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages (IKOS), University of Oslo.
Petter F. Wille, Director, Norway's National Human Rights Institution.  
Beate Ekeløve-Slydal, Political Advisor, Amnesty International.

11:30-12:00:  Discussion.
Panellists and the audience.

Download relevant report here

Main speakers

Eli Stamnes
Former employee
Gjermund Sæther
Project Manager, UN70: A New Agenda, MFA
Gianni Magazzeni
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
Kirsten Sandberg
Professor of law and Chairperson of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
Rania Maktabi
Researcher, Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages (IKOS), University of Oslo
Petter F. Wille
Director, Nasjonal Institusjon for Menneskerettigheter
Beate Ekeløve-Slydal
Political Advisor, Amnesty International
Njål Høstmælingen
Director, International Law and Policy Institute

Related publications


Synthesis Report: Reviewing UN Peace Operations, the UN Peacebuilding Architecture and the Implementation of UNSCR 1325

In 2015, three reviews in the field of Peace and Security were undertaken: the UN peace operations review, the review of the UN Peace building Architecture and the review of the implementation of Security Council Resolution 1325. These reviews reflect the acknowledgement that the changing dynamics of conflict in the world necessitates a revision of the UN’s tools in order for the organisation to maintain its relevance and ability to meet these challenges. This report presents the key recommendations as well as common themes across the reviews. The common themes are: the changing nature of conflict; the importance of the women, peace and security agenda for the UN’s work;the primacy of prevention and the need for a long-term focus; the necessity to shift towards people-centred, inclusive processes; the primacy of politics; the need for field focus and context awareness; the privileging of the military response to violent conflict is counterproductive; partnership with other actorsis important; leadership and professionalisation of the UN is needed; and a call for stronger UN system coherence. It ends by offering some recommendations to the current and next UN Secretary General.

  • Development policy
  • Peace operations
  • Humanitarian issues
  • International organizations
  • United Nations
  • Development policy
  • Peace operations
  • Humanitarian issues
  • International organizations
  • United Nations

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17 February 2016
10:00 Europe/Oslo
Language: English


  • Humanitarian issues
  • Human rights
  • United Nations
  • English