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Utviklingen i det russiske fjerne østen - asiatiske perspektiver

NUPI inviterer til seminar om asiatiske, særlig Kinas, perspektiver på utviklingen i det russiske fjerne østen.
19 April 2015
14:00 Europe/Oslo
Language: English


  • Economic growth
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Asia
  • English

Since Russian President Vladimir Putin announced his ‘Pivot to Asia’ policies two years ago, there has been heightened international debate over what the role of Russia’s Far East (RFE) regions will be in greater East Asian political and economic developments. While there has been much discussion about a growing partnership between China and Russia in the RFE, especially in the area of energy, the strategic picture is considerably more complicated, involving many sectors as well as both China and Japan as key players in RFE diplomacy. Three short presentations, based on recently published policy papers at NUPI, will examine the RFE-East Asia relationship from different perspectives, and will also explore the question of how East Asian economies can participate in the future development of the RFE.

Program 14:00–15:30:

One of Three Roads: The Role of the Northern Sea Route in Evolving Sino-Russian Strategic Relations, Marc Lanteigne, Senior Research Fellow, NUPI

Views from the Pivot Point: Chinese Perceptions of Russia’s ‘Go East’ Strategy, Bjørnar Sverdrup-Thygeson, Research Fellow, NUPI

Energizing Russia’s Pivot: Japan-Russia energy relations, post-Fukushima and post-Ukraine, Wrenn Yennie Lindgren, Junior Research Fellow, NUPI

Chairman: Indra Øverland, seniorforsker, NUPI

Innlegg ved:

Marc Lanteigne
Former employee
Bjørnar Sverdrup-Thygeson
Former employee
Wrenn Yennie Lindgren
Senior Research Fellow
19 April 2015
14:00 Europe/Oslo
Language: English


  • Economic growth
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Asia
  • English