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Pernille Rieker

Research Professor

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Pernille Rieker's research interests are European integration (EU) and European foreign and security policies. This includes the foreign and security policies of France and the Nordic countries. She has also worked with dialogue and conflict prevention more generally. Rieker obtained her PhD from the University of Oslo in 2004. At NUPI Rieker is part of the Security and Defence research group (SecDef). Furthermore, she is the coordinator of the NUPI Centre for European Studies (NCE) and co-editor of the journal Internasjonal Politikk.


Books:  European Actorness in a Shifting Geopolitical Order. European Strategic Autonomy Through Differentiated Integration (Springer 2023);  French foreign policy in a changing world. Practicing grandeur (Palgrave 2017); External governance as security community building – the limits and potential of the European Neighbourhood Policy (Routledge 2016); Dialogue and Conflict resolution. Potential and limits (Routledge 2015); and Europeanization of National Security Identity. The EU and the changing security identities of the Nordic states (Routledge 2006).

Articles: Making Sense of the European Side of the Transatlantic Security Relations in Africa (Politics & Governance, 2022); 'Not so unique after all? Urgency and Norms in EU foreign and security policy' (Journal of European Integration, 2021); 'Differentiated integration and Europe's Global Role: A Conceptual Framework' (European Foreign Affairs Review, Special Issue, 2021); 'Differentiated Defence Integration Under French Leadership' (European Foreign Affairs Review, Special Issue, 2021); 'Plugging the capability-expectations gap: towards effective, comprehensive and conflict-sensitive EU crisis response?' (European Security nr. 1, 2019); 'EU-supported reforms in the EU neighbourhood as organized anarchies: the case of post-Maidan Ukraine' (Journal of European Integration nr. 4, 2018); 'Autonomy and Integration? Small-state responses to a changing European security landscape' (Global Affairs nr. 3, 2017); 'The EU, Russia and the potential for dialogue – Different readings of the crisis in Ukraine' (European Security nr. 3, 2016); and 'The EEA Grant. A source of Soft Power?' (Journal of European Integration nr. 4, 2015).

More information on her work is included in her CV. 

Current Research:

Pernille Rieker leads the RE-ENGAGE-project, which overarching ambition is to assist the EU in refining its foreign policy toolbox, including its enlargement and neighbourhood policies - to enhance the Union’s geopolitical leverage and provide better tools for democracy promotion in its neighbourhood.

Within the framework of Norway and the EU towards 2030 Rieker analyses the evolution of the EU as a security policy actor and the implications for Norway.

In JOINT, she works on how to understand the driving forces and mechanisms of the EU's foreign policy. 

As part of the ADHOCISM project, she analyses the role of France's military in Mali.


  • Security policy
  • NATO
  • Regional integration
  • Foreign policy
  • Europe
  • The Nordic countries
  • Conflict
  • The EU


2004 PhD, Department of Political Science, University of Oslo

1998 Can. Polit. in Political Science, University of Oslo

Work experience:

2017- Research Professor, NUPI

2011-2017 Senior Researcher, NUPI

2009-2011 Senior adviser, NordForsk

1999-2009 PhD-candidate/Senior Researcher/Head of Departement, NUPI


Scientific article

Fransk NATO-politikk

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