Nina Græger
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Nina Græger is research professor at NUPI, in the Research group on global order and diplomacy and professor in international relations at the University of Copenhagen. From September 2019, she is on leave, holding a part time position at NUPI while she is Head of the Department of Political Science at the University of Copenhagen. Her research interests are security practices, interorganizational relations, IR, European, transatlantic and Norwegian security and defence, and military sociology.
Nina has appeared in journals such as Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Journal of Peace Research, Journal of European Integration and Cooperation and Conflict. She has extensive management (e.g. Head of Department 2008-2012) and project management experience (e.g. EUPERFORM - Measuring the EU’s Performance in International Institutions 2010-2014, and GR:EEN - Global Reordering: Evolution through European Networks 2011-2015).
The title of Græger’s Ph.D. thesis is: Norsk forsvarsdiskurs 1990-2005: Internasjonaliseringen av forsvaret.
2007 Ph.D. (dr. polit.), University of Oslo
1994 M. Phil. (cand. polit), political science, University of Oslo. Title, Mphil thesis: The legitimation of supranational power
Work Experience
2019- Head of the Department of Political Science at the University of Copenhagen
1998-2019 Research Fellow/PhD student/Senior research fellow/Research Professor (part time), NUPI
2013-2017 Associate Professor II at The Norwegian University of Life Sciences, where she is lecturer, course convenor and supervisor at the MSc-programme in IR studies
2012-2013 Head of Research group on security and defense, NUPI
2009-2012 Head of Departement of International Politics, NUPI
1996 Political/personal advisor to the Minister of Industry and Energy.
1994-1995 and 1997-1998 Research fellow, PRIO
Clear all filtersThe EU’s Performance with and within NATO: Assessing Objectives, Outcomes and Organisational Practices
'Home and away'? Internationalism and territory in the post-1990 Norwegian defence discourse
‘Home and Away?’ Internationalism and Territory in the Post-1990 Norwegian Defence Discourse
Towards a NATO à la Carte? Assessing the alliance’s adaptation to new tasks and changing relationships
Towards a NATO à la Carte? Assessing the alliance’s adaptation to new tasks and changing relationships
Norsk forsvarsdiskurs post-1990: Internasjonalisering og nasjonalt forsvar i nytt samspill