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Elana Wilson Rowe

Research Professor

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Dr Elana Wilson Rowe is research professor at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs. Wilson Rowe’s research and expertise areas include governance of nature and changing power relations in the Anthropocene, Arctic and ocean governance and geopolitics, and Russian climate and Arctic policymaking. Her publications explore how the interplay of diplomatic practices, security rivalries and expert/environmental knowledge shape outcomes and understandings in regional and global policy fields.

 She is the author of Russian Climate Politics: When Science Meets Policy (Palgrave, 2013) and Arctic Governance: Power in cross-border relations (University of Manchester, 2018). She was a member of Norway’s committee establishing research priorities for the UN Ocean Decade. She holds a BA in Russian and Geography from Middlebury College (USA) and an MPhil and PhD in Geography/Polar Studies from the University of Cambridge (2006). More publications and links can be found on Google Scholar.

Wilson Rowe is PI of and leads a 5- year major grant from the European Research Council (#80335, read more about the Lorax project here or on Twitter with #loraxprojectERC). The aim of this project is to understand the broader regional and global repercussions of governance efforts anchored in sub-global ‘ecosystems’ or ‘ecoregions’ (as identified by adjacent actors) and how the power relations enacted around ecosystems shape regional and global ordering. The project has some global review elements and focuses on three key cases: the Arctic, the Amazon and the Caspian Sea. Wilson Rowe has also led projects funded by the Norwegian Research Council, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Norwegian Ministry of Defence.


  • Diplomacy
  • Foreign policy
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • The Arctic
  • Climate
  • Oceans
  • International organizations
  • United Nations


2002-2006 D. Phil., human geography, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK

2001-2002 M. Phil., human geography, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK

1997-2001 B.A., Geography/Russian, Middlebury College, Vermont, USA

Work Experience

2006- Senior Research Fellow/Research Professor, NUPI

2006- Senior research fellow, NUPI 2010- Adjunct Professor at Nord University

2002-2006 Teaching Assistant/Supervisor, Geography Department, University of Cambridge



Research Project
2012 - 2015 (Completed)

Sustainability and Petroleum Extraction: Corporate and Community Perspectives in Northern Norway and the Russian Arctic (CSROil)

This project aims to identify and reconcile differences in perceptions and practices of sustainability in Northern Norway and Arctic Russia, providing a baseline for cross-border dialogue and collabor...

  • Development policy
  • Europe
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • The Arctic
  • Climate
  • Energy
  • Development policy
  • Europe
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • The Arctic
  • Climate
  • Energy
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • The Arctic
  • Asia
Scientific article

Modernisering i Russland

  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Russia and Eurasia
12:00 - 18:00
Litteraturhuset, Henrik Wergeland-salen
12:00 - 18:00
Litteraturhuset, Henrik Wergeland-salen
4. Dec 2012
12:00 - 18:00
Litteraturhuset, Henrik Wergeland-salen

Norway's Russia policy: Realistic or idealistic?

How has Norway's policy towards Russia developed over the last 20 year? Is it governed by interests, values or both? And how successful is our Russia policy?

Scientific article

International science, domestic politics: Russian reception of international climate-change assessments

  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Climate
  • International organizations
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • Climate
  • International organizations
  • Russia and Eurasia
  • The Arctic

BRICS, Energy and the New World Order

While the BRICS share some characteristics, they differ in several respects. How far can cooperation between them go? Is their cooperation mainly symbolic, or can extensive coordination be achieved? The BRICS are large countries, but will they act individually or jointly? In this present report, the authors examine selected issues in order to find out whether the BRICS have the capacity to develop common policies and cooperation.

  • Security policy
  • International economics
  • Economic growth
  • Globalisation
  • Asia
  • South and Central America
  • Climate
  • Energy
  • Security policy
  • International economics
  • Economic growth
  • Globalisation
  • Asia
  • South and Central America
  • Climate
  • Energy

Modernization and Governance in the High North

This chapter takes a closer look at how Russia approaches these challenges and opportunities in its North to provide context and background for the other chapters in this volume. How does Russia seek to govern the North and engage in international Arctic politics? What is the specific contribution of the Russian-Norwegian relationship to this endeavor? How might the policy emphasis on ‘modernization’ challenge and reshape Russia’s northern governance approach?

91 - 100 of 106 items