Åsmund Weltzien
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Åsmund Weltzien is Head of Communications at NUPI. He has a major (hovedfag) in social anthropology from the University of Oslo, and has previously worked as a researcher and research leader in Telenor R&D and as a diplomat and executive officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Weltzien works to promote NUPI's research to a wide audience and to the users of our research. He is particularly committed to helping NUPI's researchers create social and scientific impact, to improve our digital communication through development and experimentation, and to build networks of professionals, users and stakeholders where knowledge and insight are shared across institutions and sectors.
In Telenor, Weltzien's own research was focused on the development of new digital technologies and how information and influence spread in social networks. In the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he has worked with various fields such as Norwegian climate policy, security policy, and European policy. From 2011, Weltzien was part of the Foreign Ministry's "Reflex Project", which was to contribute to the development of foreign policy through public debate on central foreign policy issues.
Weltzien has been Head of Communications at NUPI since 2013.
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The rise of Euroscepticism and how to deal with it in the EU
It used to be seen as a British disease, but Euroscepticism has spread like a virus across the continent – infecting creditors, debtors, would-be euro-members and outs alike. Trust in the European project has fallen even faster than European interest rates. Since the beginning of the crisis, France losses 32 points, Germany -49, Italy -52, Spain -98, Poland -44, UK –36.The damage is so deep that it does not matter whether coun-tries are creditors, debtor countries, would-be members of the euro or countries with opt-outs: everybody is worse off. Back in 2007, people thought that the UK, which scored minus 13 points in trust, was the Eurosceptic outlier. Now, the four members of the eurozone come in well below Britain in their trust for EU institutions: Germany -29, France and Italy -22, Spain -52. What is happening?I think there is a fundamental crisis at the level of narrative for Europe, in the nature of the EU project and in political organization at a national level.
Role of South-South and Triangular Cooperation for Peace and Development: Bridging the Policy Gap
Building a Security Community in the Neighborhood. Zooming in on the EU–Tunisia Relations
The Socially Conditioned Dynamics of Security Community Building Beyond EU Borders: The Case of Ukraine